A New Change of Pace

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A Few Months Later

Carina POV

I can't get over Rosette's recent behavior. That little saccharine smile means she is up to something. Last time she overloaded a star that triggered a supernova where the Apex, Tarantula, was flying through. Luckily he got out with a few minor injuries (and give or take a 3rd degree burn on his face that makes him look like the Earth fruit mango). I still can't forgive her since she let someone from a galaxy we blew up escape with his life. Well we blew that up because the empire there was able to manifest the Darkness for their own evil agendas. We try to keep a close eye on Rosette but she is at least two steps ahead since she has future vision. No matter what she does, me and Helix will keep an eye on her. She knows something, she knows what that escapee could do, and knows how to get what she wants. And is the title of the Apex. Sure it is a big deal to be Apex, but it is just for show that's all. But like the rest of her bloodline, she is not stubborn, just highly, highly, highly persistent. Other than that I found a new "pen pal" or whatever. He is from the Skylands and can talk to me via thought. Although I can only hear him when I'm in the solar system and that complicates it more as the others are wondering why I spend so much time there. His name is Sailiga and he is actually kind of nice. He knows about the magic force field surrounding the planet. Although he always says that to keep the field intact. I don't know why he asks this of course I'll keep it up. I could tell him the reason but I realized the less the better. I wonder how my little muffin is doing?

Eteru POV

I look up above to see a ship arrive with a Mabu flying it. I board it alone, no one else with me or boarding it. I immediately started regretting it because I have no idea what the other Skylanders will think of me. Lassea and Phobia can't come with me, even though they will apply to the academy. But they have to deal something that Lassea's people are suffering from. I gave Lassea my trusted space cold luxgladius to keep her safe and she is an expert swordsman. Sirin couldn't even come, she is meditating at the areas where much dark and twisted magic and auras are as abundant as clichés in a 90s tv show, trying to find meaning of her existence. And before I know it in the middle of a thought the pilot starts flying recklessly, crashing here and there, doing stunts there and here. I feel like my vomit will also include my stomach. And then hallelujah we're there. That was both dangerous yet exhilarating. What is wrong with me? We could've crashed and get horribly injured yet I'm having fun. Whatever. I step out the ship, clutching my saddlebag like crazy. Luckily no one is here. I think they're at class or at a gathering or something. The universe isn't always this nice to people. I use it in my advantage and go inside the building which I suppose is where Eon's office or chamber or whatever he calls it is. And there it was, I'm on a roll that will most likely end very soon. I see Master Eon brushing his beard while listening to what, a band from who knows how long ago. I think it's called "The Beards" "The Beardless" or something involving beards. I try getting his attention, but he has that music on very loud. Then I decide to do the meanest thing ever: turn off the music.

Eon: Hey, who d-oh hello there.

He turned wrathful to welcoming in under three seconds.

Eteru: Hey, I'm here to apply for the academy here to be a Skylander.

Eon: Oh wait are you that dragon that is blowing up on the news? I must say you are impressive.

Eteru: Oh... w-well thank you.

Eon: I can see that you are quite the shy one. Don't worry about me telling anyone who you are. And also no one here knows you since they are too busy or something to watch the news.

Oh well isn't that convenient. And the streak seemingly never ends.

Eon: So you are an oriental dragon, yet I haven't seen one of your kind to have stars. There is a dragon here with stars, but was born from a shooting star. Were you born or made like that or-

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