Flora and Fauna

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Carina POV (Le Gasp!)

That time of the year again when I have to reinforce the shield that masks the magic there. I have to keep it in the utmost quality because one slip and it's game over. I was nearing the galaxy when I was stopped by Eagle, Tarantula, and Cat's Eye. Oh great.

Cat's Eye: Where do you think you're going?

Carina: (Large Sigh) Look it's none of your beeswax, so move out of the way.

Tarantula then gets in my way using his body as a wall since he is the biggest of the Worldender dragons.

Tarantula: You're hiding something. Do tell.

Carina: Are we really going to do this? Look I don't have time for this.

Eagle: (Smug) Is it a crush?

I cannot believe how hard I blushed.

Carina: No! Just... I gotta go.

I push away Eagle and go to light speed. Why didn't I think of that before? But then I'd have to zip all over to conceal my trail.

Eteru POV

Man she is tricky to fight. Even though she is like a century old, she is as agile as those imps. Although I get some well placed hits on her. She does a double backflip (which impressed me) and lets out a blood-curdling shriek. Those beasts from before have come back. I guess I can narrow it down that she can control the flora and fauna. I slice some of them before seeing Mitera running to try to incapacitate me. I barely dodge and sweep her legs. She recovers lightning fast and kicks me square in the snout. She tries to slice me, but I grab her arm and throw her significantly far. She then dashed as if she were a ninja at me. I concentrate a little to see that a bubble has formed around me with cyclone winds going around it. It then bursts, making her stagger and fall. I'll name that move Maelstrom. I take my chance and slice her. I slice through that robe and into her leg and push her away with a wind blast. She raises her hand and at that same time a tentacle from the pit rises also. She lowers her arm as she was slamming it, then the tentacle does the same. I try to see if I can use her power, and it worked. The tentacle goes back to hit Mitera, but she does a spectacular spinning jump over it. She is in disbelief.

Mitera: What?! No-Nobody is able to control nature as me! Who are you? Who are your parents?

Eteru: My name is Eteru lady, and my father was that of the Amber element.

Mitera: Impossible! We made sure they were wiped out. Every! Single! One!

Eteru: Guess you didn't check twice.

She shakes her head and tries to rush me, but then she stops and looks up. I look behind me and see a tentacle falling towards me. I get out of the way and then the tentacle lifts up with Mitera also lifting her hand. She jumps on top of it on the non-sharp side. I don't know why but I jumped on one that was heading for me. She jumps towards me and slices a small part of my horn. Eh, it'll grow back. I wind blast her to a tentacle and she falls to the pit. I look down to see if she held on to something, and then a tentacle thrusts upward with her. She then shrieks and points her luxgladius at me. Then every tentacle goes for me. I try to escape but they manage to squeeze me and immobilize me. But even with a whole planet in her command, it wasn't able to hold a dragon's rage. A powerful Maelstrom bursts and makes the tentacles disintegrate. I land down on the ground and unleash a scorcher of lightning that seems able to power all of Skylands for I don't know how long. I see Mitera fall from the tentacles and hit the ground hard. But she is still breathing! She gets up with her arm clutched over her left side.

Mitera: Look at all that power, (Cough) all that potential, wasted on a little pebble, a drop of water in a vast ocean.

Eteru: We all have our own choices, our own preferences. I won the wager, now send me back.

Mitera: I don't think that would be possible.

Eteru: What do you mean?

Mitera: Well, I can seamlessly conjure up a portal, but... look for Sirin Usaqim.

Eteru: But? But what?

She starts to take a few steps backwards towards the pit until she is just one lean away from falling.

Eteru: Mitera, what are you doing?!

Mitera: They will come to punish you. The Worldenders.

Eteru: We-We can work something out. If I'll explain everything, they won't go berserk or something. Just please-

Mitera: Poor boy, the Worldender's wrath is absolute. But I sense you have already experienced it as the one responsible oh so many years ago. Take care of Sirin, don't let her meet her race's fate. Her parents... don't let her become her parents.

She took one final step backwards and fell into the pit. I tried to fly in there but a gargantuan bean of light shot up from the pit. The tentacles then stopped moving. I drop to my knees, trying to think what to do now. Then the beasts came next to me and kneeled. I don't know if they're mourning for her or choosing me as their new leader. I grab her luxgladius, which is just nothing I have ever seen. She said someone called Sirin, and as she said I'll take care of her. Then an earthquake hits. I then see a ginormous black spiderweb connect to what appears to be asteroids orbiting the planet. I look to see the beasts that were around me are gone. I run out one way to see a black gooey liquid seeping out of the ground. I got to get to higher ground. I fly to one of the mushroom plateaus to just get knocked out by something. Everything becomes black.

Carina POV

I arrive to the planet's solar system to see a sight I didn't want to witness. There was another Worldender right in front of the planet, frozen. That Worldender is Lagoon, one of the most nosy and intrusive Worldenders ever. He was always asking me what was I doing and all that biz. I approach him.

Lagoon: I knew it. You thought you could keep this a secret. But, why would you do this? What are you hiding in this planet that needs a shield that masks what here? (Grabs my shoulders) Tell me right now!

Carina: What did I tell you about spying on people.

Lagoon: You are way off topic! Tell me now!

Carina: But if I tell you, you will spill it to the others. You aren't the best at keeping secrets.

Lagoon: Fine! If you won't tell me, I'll just go into the planet.

He can't, if he does the shield implodes.

Carina: Don't go please!

Lagoon: Why should I believe you?! You are hiding something our rules forbade.

He is just at the edge. Then I did the unthinkable. I grab his neck and throw him to another planet nearby. I then have his throat in my claws. One move and he is dead.

Lagoon (Raspy voice): I should've known, you were always the desperate one. I...We trusted you. One of these days they will find out. And then they'll do who knows what to you.

Carina: They can never know that...

Lagoon: ...You had a child from and Amber elemental. I sense it, you too. Your child is in another planet.

I was in disbelief. He wouldn't have known unless... Eteru really isn't in the Skylands. And then I was burdened with a decision, kill him, or let him go and hope he doesn't tell the rest. Then he says that one accursed thing that still haunts me.

Lagoon: How's Kashikoi?

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.


Another one done. I love me some cliffhangers and more when another one  suffers from it. Just so you know each Worldender is named after a nebula they were born. For instance, Carina is from the Carina Nebula. That's trivia for you people.

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