Mutiny Within the Pride

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Phobia POV

We see Lassea come in to the briefing room, covered in blood and glass in that once ocean-blue furry hide. She is limping with her arm clutched to her side. Me and one other carry her to a chair in the table. I order an ensign to bring the med kit.

Phobia: I'm guessing lover boy took it badly?

Lassea: (Chuckles) Shut up.

The ensign applies bandages on all wounded areas. She still limps but other than that she will be okay.

Phobia: They ought to make a mug for you that says "I survived Samael's wrath".

Lassea: For once I agree with you. But now we have to make a plan of attack now. We only have a very limited amount of time before Samael knows what's up. That's why we take the artifacts in his Gallery.

Everyone freezes. Two staff members were serving coffee and thanks to the surprise they're spilling it all over the floor.

Staff 1: You can't do that it's impossible.

Staff 2: Give her some faith guys, let her talk.

Lassea: You forget that I'm his second-in-command. (Takes out a card) With this thing we can enter the Gallery.

Staff 3: That's crazy. I'm in.

Staff 2: Now that's guts girl.

Staff 4: Beats being here, I'll follow you.

Phobia: (Chuckles) This plan sucks. I'm in.

Destroylate: I only need is my armor and shield and Shade Bane. But of course I'll join.

Shade Bane: Finally some action!

I forgot that he has a flipping talking sword.

Lassea: We strike at dark. Then get ready for a bloody fight.


I walk with a barely convincing limp as Lassea. I approach the Gallery, with its reinforced doors. One swipe of that almost useless plastic card and it opens like magic. The lights shine once more, but the aesthetic theme is ruined because of a bulb just flicking on and off. Then spotlights shine upon the powerful and one-of-a-kind weapons and other gizmos. I deactivate the cameras and switch back to my regular form. I kind of miss having a snout. I give the all clear and everyone comes in. Destroylate guards outside while the rest of us get what we need.

Phobia: I never thought I would see it with my own eyes.

Staff 4: Pay up

Staff 5: (Scoffs) Fine.

There is no words for what I see. But there is. Almost everything here is what Samael needs for his "judgement". In one pedestal there is a box with seven rainbow-colored crystals and a maimed and destroyed golden lefty gauntlet. Near it are three poles with three oni masks. One is red with white horns and an angry face. The other is orange with gray horns and a chuckling expression. The last one is purple with black hair instead of horns smiling menacingly. Another has a katana with a green-bladed edge with a symbol of a sword with an oriental dragon around it on the scabbard. Wonder what that's about. Next to it are a pair of masks, one that is red and black with a single black line as the visor, the other is more ominous and creepy, as it kind of resembles an oni mask with its pearl white color with two crimson red stripes in the forehead and eyes. The eye holes are just pitch black as no light can go through it. Alongside it there's an all white sword from blade to hilt with a blue crystal sphere where they both connect with someone living inside it. It is inscribed in the pedestal "Soul Sword". Another has yet another box with what appears to be Earth crystals, one that catches my eye is a small but lustrous pink diamond. Yet another sword but has a crystal blade and a green crystal in the axe blade cross guard where it can store the souls of victims there. And then there is a blue and white hat with an uppercase D in the middle. Inscribed on the pedestal says "One of the Survivors of the Zombie Apocalypse in Earth". I never knew there was one there. Something that really catches my eye is a collection of luxgladiuses. And these things were banned as they could slice through anything because of their high, literally made of a sun heat. There were many that were single bladed, but many others were small, double bladed, spear-like, curved hilts, some that can turn 360 degrees to become a tornado of terror, crossguard to protect the hand of the user, canes to conceal the luxgladius, tonfas for increased defense, surprisingly whips and one that is a blaster hybrid. Each had different colors for its blade, as I picked two up and one was blue and the other was red. I grab a "small" amount of each luxgladius for my collection, but I'll never replace my spear. And then I see an ultra rare luxgladius that has solid black flat blade with white electricity on the edges. The hilt is more rectangular than the normal ones which are cylinders and the shape of the blade. Of course I take it. But then I see the Amulet of the Demogorgon. That amulet is able to grant dark powers that break the rules of space and time to whoever it belongs. The user only has a small amount of time to use it before it succumbs to the darkness, but instantaneous if they are filled with rage. I grab it while nobody is looking, as this will be my Plan B. Then I see the most peculiar artifact... or weapon? It seems to be a pair of high heels... with guns in the end of it. Who would have that?

Lassea: Alright people, grab a weapon or tool that will help you out the most against Samael. Remember, he has very tough scaly armor and powerful regenerative abilities so choose wisely. We just have to hold out until Eteru comes. Until then (grabs the green-bladed katana) we fight to our very last breath.


Eteru POV

I explained everything, my past experiences, my family, my powers, my problems, and my captors. They seem quite intrigued by my situation, especially of my powers.

Azria: You need to say no more young dragon. You possess a rare element, or two I should say. The first is the Aether element, it allows the user to use powers of each element, but has the high cost of severe lack of control. The next is more of an element than a power. It is called the element of Amber. It allows the person to absorb the powers and attributes of another person. It starts with a single touch, but the more stronger you become, you'll be able to absorb powers without even touching them. Take these books, it'll allow you to study more into your powers. The only exception, under no circumstances you are to say where you got them. You may share the knowledge there to others.

He hands me a saddlebag filled to the brim with ancient books, scrolls, and codices. Surprisingly they're light as a tennis ball.

Lapos: I really wanted to know more about your origins. Maybe your mother was a legendary dragon from the cosmos giving the pattern of your scales.

Eteru: I always thought they were a coincidence. Hey is it okay if I take pictures of Azeroth?

They actually letted me take pictures of Azeroth. But of course can't show them to anyone. It was time to leave, so I headed to that field of floating crystals. Apparently, those things are the main energy source for magic everywhere. Azria opens a portal for me, with little electricity coming out of it. I was about to step in when the old lady from before came running.

Old Lady: Eteru, I had a small vision when you come back to the Skylands. I need to tell you something.

I get closer because maybe this may help me sooner or later.

Old Lady: The best way to comprehend your inner light is by spending time sitting in darkness.

I wonder what she meant by that? As I go through the portal I return to that jail cell I was kept in but it was open. Then in front of me I saw a trail of blood and debris in the hallway in front of me.

Phew another one done. There are so many references from games and shows here. I'll take a request to the one that gets all of them. Until next time.

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