Blood Brothers

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Eteru POV

Ughh what happened. I could feel myself being held on. As my vision settles in, I realize that I'm a yard away from falling into whatever is in that water. Did that rock just moved?! That's it I'm outta here. Oh wait, this robot still has its cold clamps on me. Trying to see what I can use. Hmm, robot precariously perched on a tree, swamp of nightmares, and a branch out of my reach. Great. I get out by holding my breath, making myself smaller, so I can squeeze out. I land just barely away from the swamp. I proceed to walk away until I realized that guy is still inside that robot. I float to the hatch, trying to open it until I shoot a little electricity to the hatch. It lights up until the hatch gives way for the person inside to fall off. I approach the mysterious armored man. Huh, he's actually more smaller than I thought. He then wakes up and flip backwards. He then takes out two bayonet looking knives. We started to circle around each other, his white tail stiff. Wait white tail? And it's fluffy.

Bazookanine: Stay back dragon, don't make me slice your head off

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Bazookanine: Stay back dragon, don't make me slice your head off.

Eteru: It's okay, I'm a friend, we need to help each other.

Bazookanine: Why should I-ugghh!

He clenches his ribs, bleeding a little. He sits besides a tree to check the damage. We get shivers in our spine as the armor is completely ripped and there lies the nastiest wound. He is also wounded in the shoulder and back. He won't make it.

Bazookanine: Great, first I get betrayed by my bestest friend, now THIS!

Eteru: I can help you.

Bazookanine: No, just please-

He gets interrupted as I shove his arm away and put my paw on his wound. I could feel something tingling, as the wound reverts back to its original state, it even fixes the cloth under the armor. Bazookanine is baffled, as I try to get up. I feel that I'm gonna black out. I try to take a few steps, but I fall to the ground. Gone.

Bazookanine POV

I can't believe it. That dragon saved me. But why would he do that? I tried to capture him and almost killed him. I close in on the blacked out dragon, his body just limp and breathing shallowly. Thank you. Nobody has helped me before. I guess it's because I backstab everyone I know. This dragon gave me a second chance. I shall not waste it. I make a makeshift shelter for the dragon, which then I had to drag him in there. Then I proceeded to take out spare parts from Northstar my Titan to repair the critical systems. I was able to fix it until the dragon woke up.

Eteru: Wh-Where am I?

Bazookanine: Its okay, its okay.

Eteru: Wait... I healed your wound

Bazookanine: Yeah, but I never got the chance to say thank you before you blacked out. Nobody has ever treated me that way since.. you know what, let's move on. I have decided to make you my blood brother.

I pull out my knife, which startled him a little. I cut my index finger for a dot of blood to come out.

Bazookanine: When we clasp together with each other's blood, we become brothers.

Eteru then cuts his paw, wincing a little. I reach out my paw and he clasps it. We shake our paws.

Bazookanine: From this day forward, we will now identify ourselves as brothers, to help out in times dreaded, to accompany in dark times, and... to care for each other.

Eteru POV

I can't believe it. I have a blood brother. I never had any siblings, and I don't remember my parents, but now I have him. But then Bazookanine then takes off him helmet. He reveals his face, which resembles of an Earth Artic Fox, but with a two-tone shade of gray around. For a small critter, he sure was fluffy. His ice-blue eyes seem to freeze those who stare at them. He looks like he's nine years old. Wonder how he became a bounty hunter.

Eteru: So how do you get out, you seem to heavy for me to ride on.

Bazookanine: Don't worry, I was able to boot up the primary systems in my Titan.

Titan, so that's the type of robot he had. He climbs on and puts on his helmet. The hatch then closes and the Titan comes to life.


It starts to to climb off the tree.


The Titan, whose name is now Northstar, ignites its jets. Not long it's starts to lift off the swamp. I start flying with him.

Bazookanine: So how can you fly even without wings?

Eteru: We oriental dragons use magic to fly. We keep it a secret as people could hunt us down for our magic. But with you I'm comfortable to fly with now that I trust you.

As we break through the fog, we see a bone-chilling sight. Many islands razed, with countless others falling apart. We see the other two Titans destroying another island.

Bazookanine: Don't worry, I'll take care of this. You get as many people out of there as possible.

Time skip 1 hour

As I get the last of the Mabu out of there, I see Bazookanine finish off the final Titan before I see a fiery explosion. There was smoke everywhere. I search for my brother until I see a tuft of fur, smoking next to Northstar's hatch. I wouldn't see my brother again in two years.

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