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Few months later

Eteru POV

There was not much that happened to me. But you should ask what about the rest of the world. There were some... types of people I began to meet after the Lion's Pride. My favorite are the people who don't think any lesser or greater of me after that. They don't cower or insult me or anything. They treat me fairly and give me my space. But they are rare. Another are the negative people. They always tell me to get out of the place or say that I would make them extinct. At least Phobia slaps some sense to them. On the other side of the spectrum there are the fearful ones. They sometimes scoot away from us or just talk very nervously to me. That hurts my feelings as much as insults. I start becoming timid since I don't know what the reaction of someone else will be. But Lassea helps me with those problems. The ones that didn't change are the ones that want to capture me. Power, rule, rarity, you name it. They aren't as bad as Samael but they are annoying. I don't need to tell you how grand they fail. Then there are the attention-seekers. They try to take a selfie with me before I answer or just "hang out" with us so they could increase their popularity. They are the worst in Phobia and Lassea's opinion. But the most disturbing and also creepy are the cults. I never thought they would create cults. Mostly they're trolls, but that doesn't mean they aren't serious. That group I despise the most. Some times they would even cut a part of my frills or get some of my scales. (Thought shudder). Although sometimes I would want to be left alone all together. My favorite places are lakes, since they are so tranquil. But of course when no one is there. I liked how the stars reflected from the lake. (Sigh) It sometimes gets me emotional. I was just chilling, tinkering my dark luxgladius, feeling that weirdly familiar coldness from space. Then the water started moving in a triangle fashion. Then a square, then a pentagon, then a hexagon, then a heptagon, then an octagon, then finally into a perfect circle and the water rushes up to create some kind of gateway. Then a figure steps out. Wherever she is about to step the lily pads follow her footsteps, and she just gently steps on them, like if she is part floating. She gets to my field of vision for me to make out the details. She has a bright scarlet skin with solid white markings coursing through her body resembling roots of a tree. She had pure white hair that fades to a brilliant blue at the bottom of the strands. She had two blunt and thick horns at the side-top with blue stripes and what appears to be three tails growing from her head, the middle most largest, that is the same material as the horn but is more flexible and decorated with blue stripes that reach her knees. Her clothes were similar to a Earth Zen Buddhist monk's outfit, but more grand. The color were of sand and at the edges a mahogany brown. Her eyes were as green as a jungle. She wore what appeared to be a small golden headdress that reached her horns. She had no shoes, as where she stepped the ground seemed to illuminate. She then is right in front of me. She lets out chuckle.

???: (Chuckling) And they thought I was dead wrong. That you didn't exist.

She chuckles yet again, but this time she grabs my shoulder very tight I almost whimpered.

???: I can't believe a Worldender would break the sacred vow to never reproduce with another that isn't their kind. Don't they know of the consequences!

She starts tightening her grip, I start to grit my teeth at the pain.

???: Eteru, isn't it, come with me. We shall leave this speck of dust and train you. It will be rigorous, but then you would be able have entire galaxies in your palm, able to do what other Worldenders haven't accomplished. Oh my name is Mitera Fysi. Now let's go.

She starts to tug on my arm, but I don't budge.

Eteru: I don't want to go. There is so much life, so much love. All my friends are here, why would I want to give that up.

Mitera: Oh you can create clones of them after training.

She tugs again, but I still don't budge.

Eteru: I want to live here, you can't just force me to go with you.

Mitera: Oh can't I?

Vines then surround me, constricting me of movement.

Eteru: Hey hey, how about a wager.

Mitera: What is it?

Eteru: We have a duel. If I win, I get to stay here and live my life and no one interferes with it. And if you win I go with you regardless.

Mitera: Deal.

The vines then loosen up and fall to the ground.

Mitera: Walk to the portal when you are ready.

She then walks to the portal and disappearing in the light there. I grab my luxgladius and a few pearls I had. These would augment my powers but I have to be careful. I go to the portal, swimming since the lily pads can't hold my weight, even though I'm very light. I go through and in a blinding flash I'm transported to a very weird jungle planet. The soil feels very mushy as if it's quicksand. I don't trust it so I fly to some mushrooms that look like platforms. Then I hear a horn-like call. There were a group of blue anthropomorphic beasts, with swords that look like teeth and very bushy heads. They jump off the overgrown flower they were on and start to crawl towards me. I ignite my luxgladius.

Mitera POV

I was on top of my beast when I saw Sirin Usaqim come back from her exploring. I hate it when she goes exploring without even my consent. She gets on top of the flower as if something is wrong.

Sirin: I spotted an assassin Mitera. I sent a small group to intercept him.

Mitera: No, don't send anymore Beskermers. This is my fight. It is my responsibility.

Sirin: But master I'm more powerful now. I can fight!

Mitera: No, he is not like the others, you will surely be killed. Go hide in the graveyard near the reaches of the Darkness, like we practiced.

She jumps off the flower with a scoff and an eye roll.

Mitera: Sirin, we are the last of life here that keeps the planet in balance. While we live, the planet remains at balance. If one of us is killed, it would spell doom to the planet. If you die, life will overrun the planet and exhaust it until it dies. If I die the Darkness will wither away the planet and spread to another and another. Now stay there until the signal is sent.

She starts to walk towards the direction of the graveyard. The chief Beskermer speaks to me in his native tongue but with my powers toward the flora and fauna I can understand him.

Chief Beskermer: She is corrupted I tell you Mitera.

Mitera: No she is not corrupted, not yet. She is just afraid. I have faith in her. She is not like the others, not like her parents.

Eteru POV

I slice the last of the beasts, with some sticky blood goop from my arms. Although there was one more, signaling me to follow him. I follow also, but that little critter is fast! I then arrive to see one of the most twisted places ever. There was a pit, but with teeth and a tongue with some type of tentacles with teeth on them. The monster pit is possibly as big as the Lion's Pride! I see Mitera and a beast beside her. She pulls out a luxgladius! But those are only at the Skylands, right? That luxgladius is no ordinary one, it is one made of space rocks and harnessing the power of a nebula.

Mitera: Welcome to the Canavar Abyss. A place of sacrifice, since time immemorial.

The tentacles then grab that beast beside her, clawing and howling for help. I approach her and ignite my blade.

Mitera: Are you prepared to meet your fate?

She then ignited that nebula luxgladius. The blade emitting nebula gas from the green smoky blade.

Some of this is inspiration from Star Wars the Force Unleashed.

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