Part 1: Fanboys

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Park Jimin was a twenty two years old dance major at a Seoul university.

He shared a small apartment with his best friend Kim Taehyung who was on the same course as Jimin applied late after easily getting himself a maths degree in record time.

Both boys had a lot in common, one which was significant being music and more specifically one bands music - BTS.

They had both met originally on a forum and bonded over the band then discovering more interests they had in common, dance being one.

From there they bonded their friendship and became close like brothers, and that closeness is what left them in the position they were in now after the announcement of their favourite band doing a performance near by.

"For the last time Taehyung no." Jimin said sternly finally losing his calm demeanour.

"They are literally going to be doing a concert less than 40 minutes away, please can we go?" Taehyung said persisting.

"And how do you propose we get there? Or money for the tickets? Or merch because we both know you'll want some? And then there's-"

"It doesn't matter Jiminie, we'll figure something out later. Let's just do this. Live in the moment." Taehyung said again, still being denied.

"We are not wasting our saved money on a concert we might not even be able to get to or get in." Jimin said closing his laptop.

"What if I get us tickets for free or discounted?" Taehyung said rushing to the door so Jimin couldn't leave.

"If you do that and it works out then sure we can go but it doesn't change the fact about everything else. Transport, clothes, merch and lightsticks are only a few of the things we have to consider." Jimin said unamused by Taehyung's persistence especially since Taehyung knew how upset Jimin got last time they didn't get the concert tickets they wanted.

"Okay. Let me make you a deal Park Jimin. A deal you car refuse." Taehyung said walking over to Jimin and sitting on his bed.

"Go on?" Jimin said raising an eyebrow.

"If I can deal with all of that would you be willing to come with me, if it's free or cheap?" Taehyung said already forming a plan.

"Yes. As long as it doesn't risk spending the rent or food money." Jimin said sighing knowing Taehyung would keep persisting and eventually use his boxy smile to win him over.

"Yay! Thank you thank you thank you hyung." Taehyung said squeezing the older but smaller of the two.

"Tae- I can't- breath-" Jimin said dramatically making the younger let go.

"Sorryyyyy~" Taehyung said smiling widely - not sorry in the slightest.

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