Part 16: Pjamas

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"What did you do?" Jimin said a sound of defeat already present in his voice.

Taehyung walked over to his friend, sitting on the floor in front of him and resting his head on his knee then saying "I did a booboo."

Jimin sighed before further questioning, asking "What kind of booboo?"

Taehyung did his best aegyo before saying "One only my dearest Jiminie hyung can fix."

Jimin sighed again before looking down at his friend who was only slightly younger than him.

"What do you need?" Jimin asked reluctantly.

"So I mightttttttttt have spilled water over all my clothes before we went out and left it because I was in a rush, so basically I have no clothes and that means Yoongi hyung has none. And I don't mind sleeping nude but I don't feel like making Yoongi." Taehyung explained before blinking innocently.

Jimin said nothing, just face palming as Taehyung stared at him cutely and innocently.

"It's fine really I can go home." Yoongi said with a grateful smile as he stood up.

Taehyung instantly cling to his leg saying "Don't go." And looking back at Jimin with pleading eyes.

Jimin wasn't going to say no, he was just annoyed that he knew he'd have to do washing tomorrow.

"I don't mind lending you some clothes, I just don't know what'll fit so you'll have to come try them on." Jimin explained as Taehyung's face lit up.

"Thank you really but just because this alien asked you don't have to say yes." Yoongi said not wanting to be a burden.

Jimin stood up reassuring "It's fine." Before going up stairs leading the way for the other two who followed.

Jimin opened the door then went straight to his closet to see what he could find.

He looked back at Yoongi who Taehyung was holding at the door before turning back and guessing pant size, then throwing some comfy shorts and a slightly larger jumper to him.

Taehyung pointed Yoongi to the bathroom after Yoongi thanked Jimin, leaving the two alone.

Once they heard the door click Taehyung ran towards Jimin hugging him and saying "They were so nice hyung."

Jimin hugged him back replying "My hearts been beating so fast since they introduced themselves and talking to Suga- Yoongi before I swear I could've died."

Both boys started laughing in each others arms before letting go.

"The others really want to talk to you more, especially Jungkook because your both from Busan." Taehyung informed with a genuine boxy smile which Jimin returned back.

"I'm not the best at talking to people I respect so I don't think it's a good idea." He chuckled hearing the bathroom door open.

Both boys turned to the door and watched as Yoongi stepped back in the room wearing what were shorter than they appeared grey shirts and a jumper shirt pyjama thing.

"Looking good hyung." Taehyung said smiling and Jimin nodded shyly - honestly feeling flustered his bias was wearing his clothes let alone in his house or in his bedroom.

"Thanks for lending me the clothes Jimin-ah." Yoongi said with a kind smile which caused Jimin's heart to beat faster.

Taehyung unconsciously said "Stop hyung his heart will explode." Before freezing in realisation.

Jimin just face palmed as Taehyung ran out of the room to go get Jimin some kimchi.

"Well then." Yoongi said with a chuckle approaching the younger of the two.

Jimin continued to hide his face feeling it get redder with every step Yoongi took.

"Don't cover your face, it's too pretty to hide from the world." Yoongi said when he finally was in front of him.

Jimin could feel his cheeks grow redder with the comment and he could've sworn his heart was going to shatter with anxiety.

Yoongi placed his larger hands on Jimin's gently then saying "Please don't hide your face." Kindly.

Jimin slowly pulled one hand away and Yoongi's hand stayed on his the whole time.

Yoongi had to admit being so close to someone attractive was making him nervous but he also didn't want Jimin to panic when he honestly didn't mind.

Yoongi gave him a sweet smile before speaking in a gentle voice and saying "That's better."

Taehyung came running back into the room with Kimchi holding out for Jimin before realising he had probably interrupted what would become a moment.

Jimin's eyes lit up as he fully removed both hands from his face, taking the kimchi in his free hand, as he completely blanking his embarrassment and filling with joy as he said "You brought kimchi?"

Taehyung breathed out expecting to still be outed for biasing Jungkook then nodded at Jimin's question.

His face showed relief as Jimin began to inspect the food, reluctantly removing his small hand from Yoongi's larger, both fitting perfectly together.

Taehyung watched happily as Jimin then closed the tub knowing he wouldn't eat this late.

Jimin's calm expression changed as a smirk appeared on his face, Taehyung instantly panicking.

"Be glad i'm a nice hyung." Jimin said to Taehyung who just gulped but nodded anyways.

The room filled with silence, it being broken as Yoongi began to laugh.

Both boys looked to him confused so he explained "No wonder you both make such good friends, your dynamics go together well."

Both looked at each other before bursting out laughing too, any awkwardness gone.

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