Part 27: Bias

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"So since you stan. Who's your bias?" Jungkook asked Jimin and Taehyung who both froze.

Next to both of them was their bias and in between them were the other band members.

Taehyung quickly said "We don't have biases." To which Yoongi instantly called him out saying "Don't lie I've received the fanboying messages."

Taehyung jumped up defensively then pointing to Jimin and shouting "Fine then but he's not getting out of it. He biases-"

Jimin threw a pillow at him making him turn around.

"Have you ever thought about just not answering?" Jimin said trying his best not to go koala Taehyung to make him shut up.

"B-but he's gonna out me and then it'll be awkward." Taehyung said with a pout and puppy eyes.

"And you outing me wouldn't be the same?" Jimin asked raising a eyebrow.

"No because he wouldn't say anything once I've outed you-" Taehyung started getting cut off by Yoongi saying "I wouldn't just out you. I'm your hyung not a meanie."

Taehyung instantly fell to the floor hugging the pillow Jimin threw saying "Thank god."

Jungkook also slid onto the floor poking Taehyung's cheek causing him to look up.

Jungkook innocently said "Please tell us. It won't be awkward."

Making Taehyung shake his head and bury it in his pillow since he knew how the maknae always won if people payed attention to him - which they always did.

Jimin chuckled before saying "He always caves when he get hugs."

Jungkook looked like he had a lightbulb moment before he climbed onto Taehyung's back and hugged him, cutely saying "Please." In his ear.

All the boys watching has their phones out recording the cute scene unfolding and taking pictures - Jimin taking a mental note that Taehyung should thank him later.

Taehyung sighed in defeat before quietly saying "Jungkook." Causing the maknae to hug him tighter saying "Yessssssssssssss." Then getting off of his back and pulling Taehyung up with him to go on the couch.

After that all attention was now going onto Jimin.

Jimin looked down at his phone pretending to not realise that they wanted him to speak.

"Taehyungie hyung? What's Jimin's weakness?" Jungkook asked resting his head on his shoulder.

"You know you don't need to add the extra Tae. And Jiminie's weak spot isssssss his eomma." Taehyung said being serious getting al the others to coo.

Jimin instantly looked up saying "Don't bring my beautiful eomma into this." As Taehyung already had his contact book open on his phone looking for her.

"Fineee his other weak spot is praise." Taehyung said making Jimin's eyes widen.

"Oh he's got a praise kink? That's actually adorable." Jin said cooing.

Jimin instantly said "I don't have a praise kink." To Which Taehyung responded "Sureeee."

Jimin raised his eyebrows making Taehyung instantly panic and hug him apologising.

"Kim Taehyung. Next time you can't sleep I'm not staying up with you." Jimin said making Taehyung instantly hug him tighter.

"He doesn't have a praise kink he just likes constant reassurance." Taehyung said getting understanding nods from everyone even though they al still thought 'praise kink' but didn't say it because the two boys were adorable.

"So Jiminie hyung, your doing great, who's your bias." Jungkook said getting a kick from the smaller boy both laughing.

"Taeeeeee please help us." Hoseok asked with pleading eyes.

"Jimin hyung you do realise I could just spill it but since you asked me not to I won't I'll just spill more embarrassing stuff." Taehyung said accepting Hoseok's request.

"Please don't." Jimin said looking at the younger with cute eyes.

Namjoon chuckled explaining "Come on Jimin, we just wanna know who your bias is so we can surprise you with-"

Jin cut him off instantly by elbowing him not wanting to ruin the surprise.

"Surprise?" Jimin said tilting his head cutely like a confused kitten.

"Yep, we wouldn't ask you if we didn't want to know." Jin said before once again asking "Who's your bias?"

"Okay." Jimin said before taking a breath "Why has this turned into a whole thing just to find out who our biases is. Now I'm even less inclined to say because I don't like surprises."

Taehyung mouthed behind him "he loves surprises."

"Jiminieeeeeeeee pleaseeeee." Yoongi complained wanting to know.

Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok all quietly began to chant "Say it." Slowly getting louder until Jimin realised they could get noise complaints so saying "Suga."

Everyone began to cheer, Jimin shaking his head at their extraness.

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