Part 12: Meeting

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After the mini argument with the woman Taehyung and Jimin left not wanting her 'face to ruin their night' when in reality Jimin felt really anxious as he didn't normally get into fights - Taehyung completely understanding but also not wanting to see her face.

Taehyung got a text from Yoongi asking them to stay so he managed to get Jimin to stay inside the building which was't hard since it was raining so Taehyung 'phoned a taxi' which Jimin thought they were waiting for.

"Was I too mean? I don't remember what I said. All I remember was her being rude and looking down on us like we were trash." Jimin said babbling on anxiously.

"Jimin. Stop worrying, you did great. She's a bad person and deserved angry Jimin with no filter." Taehyung said trying to offer comfort.

Jimin sighed then apologising saying "I'm sorry tonight got ruined, you didn't even get to meet them because I said to stay back."

Taehyung shook his head throwing his arm over Jimin's shoulder saying "Don't be sorry Jiminie really, I have one more last minute surprise in store so please try to cheer up and try not too look like a sad puppy."

Jimin turned his head to face Taehyung who had a boxy smile as he looked at him.

"Is the surprise kimchi?" Jimin asked as Taehyung's eyes widened and he corrected his slef saying "Two surprises."

Jimin laughed as he shook his head, poking Taehyung's side so that he could go and sit down.

They both sat facing away from the doors and carried on with their conversation that they we're having before they got interrupted.

The fans who stayed behind for the meet and greet left and politely said good bye to the two boys and saying how they respected them not fighting with her like they would've which comforted them both.

One of the girls even said the band mates all respected them which made both Taehyung and Jimin happy.

After everyone left Taehyung and Jimin were still on the floor talking, loosing track of the time until Jimin checked his phone realsing it was getting late.

"Tae we should get going, where's that Taxi you phoned?" Jimin asked as Taehyung stared blankly at a wall hoping Jimin wouldn't notice.

"Taehyung?" Jimin called ot waving his hand in front of his face making Taehyung come up with an excuse fast.

"The surprise is we're waiting for my friend and his friends they shouldn't be long."

Taehyung let out a sigh of relief as Jimin nodded content with his answer.

Before they could start another conversation the doors next to them opened with a group of people talking echoing through it.

Both people recognised the voice's but Jimin was the first to make the link thus jumping up and pulling Taehyung with him not wanting to seem like they were waiting.

Taehyung chuckled as he stopped Jimin from walking off confusing him until he heard one of the familiar voices call out "Tae!"

Jimin froze completely confused, so Taehyung turned him around chuckling then going towards and hugging Yoongi who was walking over.

"Hyung you did great tonight! oh and this is my best friend Jimin." Taehyung said with a boxy smile as Jimin's had to stop his jaw dropping to the floor.

Yoongi chuckled as he reached his hand out for Jimin to shake.

"It's nice to meet you Jimin-ah, Taehyung has told me lots about you. I'm Yoongi." Yoongi said introducing himself as Jimin slowly shook his hand trying to understand what was going on.

It was obvious but he didn't believe it.

"Oh yeah Jiminie I forgot to tell you that Yoongi hyung was my friend we were waiting for." Taehyung said with a happy smile since he knew Jimin was freaking out internally.

Jimin went to say something but instead remained speechless.

The other members excitedly introduced themselves to Taehyung and Jimin as Jimin formally greeted them trying to understand the situation.

Taehyung looked over to Jimin before bursting out laughing realising he'd fried Jimin's brain.

"Hyung, do you really have no reaction?" Taehyung asked through laughter.

Jimin sighed before kicking Taehyung's butt saying "Of course your friend would be in BTS."

Taehyung laughed more as Jimin ran his hands through his hair.

"Yep, you know what that means?" Taehyung asked with his smile growing as Jimin looked at him defeated.

"Don't look at me like that. It means your a good person for waiting over an hour to than someone you didn't know."Taehyung said wiping a tear which had formed due to laughing.

"Wait he didn't know?" Jin asked completely surprised getting a nod from Yoongi.

Jin instantly went over and started mothering Jimin apologising for the surprise and how not everyone liked them being completely understanding with him.

Jimin apologised for his awkwardness shyly which made all the members coo over him more than they already had before due to him being respectful and the bigger person.

The band members spoke with them casually until Namjoon invited both boys over to which Taehyung instantly said yes and Jimin thanked them for the offer but they shouldn't.

Jin pulled Jimin into another hug praising his politeness as he tried to convince him to go which in the end failed as Jimin used the being tired excuse.

Taehyung still was invited to go so Jimin told him he should go giving him an eye smile so he wouldn't say no.

Jimin said he'd get a taxi back to their apartment so the members didn't have to drive too far away before saying their final goodbyes for the evening which ended formally.

Jimin felt completely flustered by everything that was happening that he forgot to thank Yoongi for the tickets so he messaged Taehyung in the taxi back.

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