Part 6: Surprise

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"Jiminie!!!" Taehyung shouted as he entered the apartment.

"What?!" Jimin shouted back from the kitchen where he was eating ramen.

"I've got you a present!" Taehyung yelled back.

The next thing Taehyung heard was small footsteps scurrying towards him before a head peaked around the door frame with ramen hanging out of his mouth.

"Pwesent?" Jimin said with food still in his mouth.

"Yuhuh, finish your food then come in the living room." Taehyung said laughing as he started to walk towards the room.

Jimin froze for a moment before finishing up his ramen which he was luckily almost done with then running into the living room and sitting on the couch.

"Okay so do you know like your my best friend and basically brother?" Taehyung said playing with the envelope Yoongi have him behind his back.

"Yes?" Jimin said slightly confused.

"And you know like you agreed to go to BTS with me if I could get tickets?" Taehyung questioned watching Jimin's face go slightly sad as he nodded.

"Well I wanted to thank you because you went through the ticket experience with me again even though you didn't want to. So I got you something." Taehyung said with a boxy smile which made Jimin's frown fade into a grin.

"You didn't have to get me anything Taetae." Jimin said shaking his head and saying "Get your money back."

"That's the thing hyung I can't. It's not refundable." Taehyung said his smile growing more than he thought possible.

Jimin tilted his head in confusion so Taehyung made him hold his hands out and close his eyes.

"You ready?" Taehyung asked getting a "No but go on." In response.

He placed the envelope in his hands then said "Open."

Jimin grew more confused at the plain white envelope as he just looked at the outside.

"Look in it pabo." Taehyung said chuckling.

"Be nice to your hyung." Jimin said pouting as he struggled to open it.

"I am, it's not my fault he can't open a envelope." Taehyung said sticking his tongue out.

After struggling and finally opening it Jimin paused.

"Is it a spider? Because I swear Taehyung if you've put another spider in a envelope I'm moving out." Jimin said in a serious tone making Taehyung just laugh more.

"Just open it." Taehyung said shaking his head.

Jimin closed his eyes as he pored out the contents in front of him, peaking with one eye then opening both in shock.

"No." He said jumping up from his seat.

He raised his hand and pointed to the tickets saying "No no no." In complete shock.

Taehyung stood up clapping and laughing saying "Yes." As he watched Jimin actually freak out.

"No way, how? What? No." Jimin said in shock.

Taehyung hugged Jimin who had his arms out for him.

"We're going to BTS hyung." Taehyung said tears welling up in his eyes.

"Tae- oh my god." Jimin said crying from joy.

"Thank you, tell me how much and I'll pay-" Jimin said with a giant smile as he held the tickets in one hand with the other around Taehyung.

"They were free hyung. My friend works with BTS and he got me them when I asked for the cheapest tickets he could get so we didn't mess up rent then he got us standing tickets and a back stage pass." Taehyung said with the brightest smile he could muster after a day of constant smiling.

"I could kiss him." Jimin said laughing hugging Taehyung again.

"He probably wouldn't mind." Taehyung replied causing them to laugh more.

"Thank you so much Taetae and thanks to your friend." Jimin said with the biggest eye smile Taehyung had ever seen which made him even happier.

"I can't believe it hyung. We're going too see them live and get to meet them." Taehyung said as realisation spread across Jimin's face.

"We're meeting them?" Jimin asked to confirm getting excited nods in response.

"THATS WHY YOU WERE IN MY CLOSET!" Jimin yelled making Taehyung laugh.

"I've been caught. Now we have to go clothes shopping." Taehyung said happily.

"I think I'm gonna pass out." Jimin said shaking.

"No no no." Taehyung said as both laughed sitting down.

"Ugh what did I do to deserve such a good friend?" Jimin asked laughing happily.

"Isn't it obvious? You were the golden mochi." Taehyung answered leaving the two laughing which is how they were going to spend most of their evening.

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