Part 11: Meet and greet

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"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.I can't believe we're minutes away from meeting them." Taehyung said bouncing on the spot.

"This still doesn't seem real." Jimin responded chuckling, both equally nervous and excited.

"I get to meet my ultimate bias i'm going to scream." Taehyung said jumping on the spot.

Jimin chuckled before asking the question he'd been wanting to ask since they got their "Are we gonna be able to meet your friend? I'd like to thank him"

Taehyung slowly smirked mischievously which made Jimin instantly regret asking.

"Yep we're gonna meet him, and he already knows how you said you'd kiss him." Taehyung said Jimin instantly going red and digging his arm.

"Owie." Taehyung said with a pout that Jimin choose to ignore as he started hyperventilating.

Taehyung started to panic noticing how panicky Jimin was getting so tried to calm him down by pointing out "Hey he's cool with it and thought it was cute, just think about how you're going to meet your ultimate bias."

"Oh no..." Jimin mumbled at the realisation panicking more.

"Wait, no. Don't worry hyung there just people, you love people... people love you!" Taehyung said in an attempt to make Jimin feel better.

"What if I saw or do something stupid in front of either of them. I don't want to seem like a idiot in front of your friend or Suga." Jimin said pacing around Taehyung.

Taehyung knew how nervous ad shy Jimin could get and knew he needed to stop his spiral before it went out of control.

He placed his hands on his friends shoulders stopping him from pacing then spoke in a caring tone saying "I promise you I will out stupid anything you do as long as you try to not freak out. And if you manage to actually speak to Suga hyung i'll buy kimchi for us."

Jimin smiled slightly at his friends caring nature nodding slightly as he tried to calm himself down.

"You good?" Taehyung asked no longer feeling stressed because he knew his smol friend needed him.

"Nope." Jimin said before chuckling, now playing with his hands instead of pacing.

"It'll be fine hyung, I promise- OH MY GOD IT'S BTS!" Taehyung said pointing towards the door which was being swarmed.

Taehyung was about to run over with everyone else before Jimin pulled him back.

Taehyung turned around confused as Jimin sighed saying "Their people too, how would you feel if people just swarmed you. Let's be respectable Tae."

JImin's faicial expression softened as Taehyung smiled and nodded stepping back and talking to his friend.

"Wow my hyung is so kind and respectable." Taehyung teased causing the boys to both laugh and talk casually as the member's greeted everyone.

Yoongi looked over seeing the two talking casually and he couldn't help but stare in shock at how attractive Taehyung's friend was.

"Hyung I thought you said your friend was coming." Jungkook said leaning on Yoongi's back with a pout.

"He's here." Yoongi said nodding in their direction.

"They cute." Jungkook said nodding in approval getting nudged by Yoongi's elbow in response.

Before either could say anything else a girl approached them asking for a photo so obviously the boys complied with a smile not wanting to seem weird.

"Taehyung look." Jimin said nodding in the direction of Jungkook and Yoongi.

"Agh! It's our bias's together." Taehyung said with a boxy smile on his face.

"They look so cute." Jimin said chuckling then proceeding to laugh even more when Taehyung responded "We're cuter."

They both were in hysterics which caught everyone's attention - especially the band members who smiled seeing their fans happy.

An annoyed parent walked over to the two boys who were chatting away with no concerns.

"Excuse me, our children are here trying to have fun and talk to the band members as your both just here chatting and making unnecessary noise. You should leave you can chat and be obnoxious anywhere." The annoyed woman said looking at the two in disgust.

Taehyung looked as if his heart had just been tore in half as Jimin's face looked blank.

The band members were about to go over and ask the woman to apologies but before they could the previously silent Jimin spoke up.

"Excuse me?" He said with no emotion in his tone.

"You heard me." The woman retorted looking down her nose at them.

Taehyung gulped and held onto Jimin's arm instantly realising he was pissed.

"Well then if we can talk anywhere we choose to talk here. Now if you wouldn't mind leaving us be as your rudeness isn't wanted here. Not only did you insult us but you also crowded the band members and treated them like a circus act wanting photos and not even thanking them. Congratulations raising your child as she is a lovely person from the seems of things and clearly has more manners than you." Jimin said with an angry look showing in his eyes.

Everyone in the room remained silent as the woman's daughter ran over and started apologising to Jimin and Taehyung.

The woman gasped in disgust before asking "Do you even know who your talking too?" making the daughters pleas for her to apologies grow.

Jimin sighed before smiling gently at the daughter, which made her blush, then saying "There's no need for you to apologies for your mother, i'm sorry if me and my friend disturbed you."

The woman grew more furious as Jimin blanked her, him knowing the best response to a bully was to just ignore them.

The girl smiled face going even redder at Jimin's handsomeness and gentle voice, then replying "You weren't disturbing anyone, you were just having fun and enjoying yourself like everyone here."

Jimin nodded with a smile before looking at Taehyung who still looked upset.

"Could you please apologies to my friend since I doubt there's any chance of you apologising to me." Jimin said to the woman, annoyance once again spreading across her face.

She smirked smugly before bluntly saying "No." causing the daughter to also begin to look more annoyed than apologetic in general.

"Fine." Jimin said shrugging before turning his back to the woman and looking up to Taehyung.

"Sorry Taetae I don't want to waste my time arguing with some woman for an apology, you gonna be okay?" Jimin said sighing before re-mustering his gentle smile.

Taehyung nodded before glancing at the angry woman behind Jimin then back to his hyung.

"I'll be fine hyung, not everyone can be nice like Army." Taehyung said with a boxy smile which he gave to the daughter who bowed again apologetically.

"As long as your okay." Jimin said ruffling his hair.

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