Part 30: Horror

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"Heads up." Yoongi said, getting ignored by both Jimin and Hoseok.

"Aghhehiswjdnowsk." Jimin screamed as Hoseok jumped and grabbed onto both Namjoon and jin.

Yoongi sighed as he looked next to him at Jimin who was shaking in fear and holding onto his arm for dear life.

"I warned you." Yoongi said shaking his head before messing up Jimin's hair.

Yoongi ended up on his phone, bored because he'd watched the film hundreds of times with Jungkook, and ended up distracted thus not warning Jimin and Hoseok of the worst jumpscare.

Jimin ended up diving on to Yoongi's lap shaking in fear and hiding his face into Yoongi's shirt.

Everyone watching ended up jumping, except Taehyung, so it was understandable both of the more easily scared ended up on the person next to them.

Hoseok ended up completely covering Jin -except his shoulders - after screaming in fear.

"I think that's enough for tonight." Namjoon said after coughing.

He turned the lights on and everybody being so close to each other was revealed to one and other.

Taehyung sighed seeing Jimin so scared since he knew it would happen so reached over Jungkook and poked his back gently saying "Isn't it a good job ghosts aren't real."

Jimin was still shaking and Taehyung wasn't sure what to do because he'd never seen Jimin so spooked.

Yoongi started rubbing circles on his back saying nothing in an attempt to comfort him, Namjoon rubbing hoseoks shoulders to get him to not be so tense.

"Maybe we should go to bed since it's almost twelve." Jin said instantly worrying about Hoseok and Jimin.

"If anyone tries to scare me tonight I will attack you." Hoseok said climbing off from Jin's lap.

Jungkook reassured "I don't think any of us are that dumb." Before standing up.

"Come on Taetae I'll show you the room we're sleeping in and Jiminie Yoongi will show you yours when your ready." Jungkook said leading the way and being the first to say goodnight.

Jin and Namjoon both walked Hoseok to his room leaving only Jimin and Yoongi on the couch, Jimin still shaking with fear.

"Sorry I zoned out, at least it's just a movie and not real." Yoongi said trying his best to offer comfort to the other.

"Who thought it would be a good idea to make a doll possessed?" Jimin mumbled into Yoongi's shirt before shaking his own head at the memory of the doll.

"Smart people who like scaring people." Yoongi said as he Jimin stand up since his knees were shaky.

"Why did Jungkook think it was a good idea?" Jimin asked with a growing pout.

Yoongi chuckled as he stood up explaining "He's been trying to not jump all the way through the film and he still fails. He probably wanted to try again but forgot about that one."

"Why would you put yourself through that?" Jimin once again asked his pout now at its fullest.

"So many questions Jimin-ah." Yoongi said chuckling.

Jimin looked at Yoongi with exhausted eyes and said "All of which are valid."

Yoongi shook his head with a smile before walking behind Jimin and guiding him in the direction of his room since Jimin's knees were shaking so much he thought he might fall.

They arrived in Yoongi's room so Yoongi said "I need a quick shower so you can get changed in here and sleep if ournot to scared" teasing Jimin since he knew the obvious answer.

Jimin nodded not sure what to say so awkwardly said "Have fun?" Confusedly as Yoongi left the room.

The moment the door shut Jimin instantly pulled out his phone which he was getting messages on.

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