Part 34: Ease dropping

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"I really like you too hyung?" Jimin said not to confidently since he wasn't sure why Yoongi said it.

"I mean it Jimin." Yoongi said before sighing and turning over, putting his playlist back on as he pretended to sleep.

Jimin wasn't to sure what just happened so rolled onto his back staring up at the roof lost in his own thoughts as Yoongi debated of what he just said was really a good idea.

After a few minutes and Jimin was convinced Yoongi was asleep, which he wasn't, Jimin picked up his phone finding lots of missed calls from Taehyung and another call coming through.

Jimin cursed under his breath as he climbed out of the bed and went towards the bathroom, answering the call inside with the door slightly open.

Yoongi glanced at the door before sighing out loud as he heard Jimin talking.

"Hello?" Jimin said quickly getting a reply back.

"Did Yoongi hyung just confess to you?" Two similar voices asked their confused hyung.

"What?" Jimin said back earning a sigh.

"We're outside. We heard everything." Jungkook said as Taehyung chuckled.

Jimin in disbelief walked over to the door, creeping across the bedroom.

"What the-"

"Ahh hyung you'll get us caught, let's talk in the toilet." Jungkook said taking Jimin's hand as Taehyung guided his back.

"Wait what's going-"

"Shush Jiminie. Yoongi hyungs sleeping." Taehyung said closing the door too.

Yoongi sat up in his bed completely confused as to why the maknaes had made their way into his bathroom so he made the decision to get out of the bed and stand at the door.

"Yoongi just said he likes you. He really likes you." Taehyung said to the tired Jimin.

"And?" Was al Jimin could think of to reply not making a big deal out of Yoongi being his friend since he didn't seem like he wasn't and since they got in so well.

"Is he always this dense?" Jungkook asked looking towards Taehyung who sighed and nodded.

Jimin quickly scolded "Hey. Be respectful to your hyung who's rest your interrupting."

Both boys bowed and apologised knowing it was really late.

"Why were you ease dropping?" Jimin asked raising an eyebrow at the two boys in front of him.

Jungkook smiles cutely before saying "We have a bet."

Taehyung quickly following with his boxy smile saying "Everyone's in on it."

Jimin's face grew more confused so Jungkook sat him on the toilet - lid obviously down - before speaking again.

"Me, Tae, Jin, Joon and Hobi all made this group chat when we went upstairs and we've all been talking on it." Jungkook explained.

"Hoseok hyung said he heard talking when he was walking to our room to bring us a blanket so all the boys said two of us should listen and we got the short straw." Taehyung said following on from Jungkook's timeline.

They both paused for a moment hearing a cough which was Yoongi who was stood by the door but since it stopped they continued.

"After that we listened in and we heard Yoongi say he liked you and you say you like him back and then him saying he meant it, then the awkward silence followed by music. So we tried phoning you asking why you didn't say you liked him romantically." Taehyung finished explaining.

"Okay? So you ease dropped and gambled on a relationship that isn't realistic?" Jimin said slowly trying to process.

Jungkook shook his head before correcting. "We ease dropped and gambled on a relationship we know is realistic."

Jimin raised his eye brow again staying silent so the boys could explain.

"Basically I said the reason why you didn't want to say your bias is because you have a crush on him which made us all excited because as we all found out Yoongi has a crush on you." Taehyung said instantly bowing apologetically seeing an annoyed expression begin to appear on Jimin's face.

"Taehyung." Jimin said in a stern tone making the younger reply "Yes hyung." With a sad face.

Jimin sighed knowing he couldn't be mad at Taehyung so instead of shouting complained "You can't go around telling people who other people like."

Taehyung nodded understandably as the younger two both sat on the floor in front of Jimin.

"Firstly. Don't ease drop it's rude. Think how you would feel if someone did that too either of you." Jimin said pausing and watching as the two apologised.

"Secondly. Gambling is a bad habit and so is talking about people behind their back and revealing things they don't want others to know. Know that doing this has consequences." Jimin said sighing as he saw the truly apologetic look on the youngers faces.

"And lastly. Don't make those sad faces it's making it very hard to be mad." Jimin said watching as both boys looked up with relieved smiles.

"We're Sorry hyung. It won't happen again." Jungkook said being followed by a "Sorry." From Taehyung who explained "We just got excited."

Jimin nodded and was about to the two youngers why they were so sure Yoongi liked him but before he could there were three loud knocks at the door followed by Yoongi's tired voice asking "Why are there three boys in my bathroom?"

Everyone froze knowing they'd been caught, the two younger being terrified having woken Yoongi before and dealt with the consequences.

Before Jimin could process what was happening the maknaes apologised before making a mad dash to their own room successfully leaving Jimin alone with Yoongi.

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