Part 13: Talking

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"Awe so Jimin-ah felt bad for standing up for you both." Hoseok said with a sad smile.

"Yep, we were sat outside and he was worrying if he upset anyone." Taehyung said explaining.

"Jiminie gets up easily but he doesn't tend to show it unless one of his friends is upset too, he's really protective and he tries to make everyone happy." Taehyung said telling them more about Jimin.

They'd been talking and getting to know each other for two hours with Yoongi and Taehyung sharing memories together and the other boys telling stories too.

They began talking about Jimin when Taehyung said thank you on his behalf which he almost forgot to do.

"He seems so cute, where's he from?" Hoseok asked politely.

Taehyung chuckled before replying "He's from Busan."

Jungkook's eyes lit up as he jumped out of his seat, Jin saying nothing other than "Sit back down."

Jungkook shook his head and exclaimed "Further proof that everyone from Busan is cute."

Jin sighed as Jungkook started asking more questions about Jimin, truly curious.

"I could probably answer all your questions about Jimin since he's very honest and open but I think you should ask him yourself, that way he can make some new acquaintances." Taehyung said which made Yoongi proud as he'd normal just answer them when he was younger.

"You and Jimin-ah should come out with us one time for a meal or too hang out." Namjoon said with a inviting smile.

Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck saying "We wouldn't want to be a burden." To which Namjoon instantly said "You wouldn't be, the invite wouldn't be there if we didn't want you there like right now."

Taehyung nodded then replied "That would be nice than you."

Jungkook sat down next to Taehyung and threw his arm over his shoulder saying "Don't be so formal we're all friends here." with a bunny smile.

Taehyung knew why Jimin went home, the reason being he didn't think he'd be able to survive alone time with his bias band and bias, and now he understood on a serious level why Jimin stayed home and his heart was beating out of his chest with their kindness and the fact Jeon Jungkook had his arm around him.

Taehyung looked at the time realising how late it was politely standing up and bowing as he said "I should get going now otherwise Jiminie will start to worry, thank you for having me."

All the boys showed Taehyung to the door and Yoongi offered to drive him home which Taehyung refused politely so Yoongi literally dragged Taehyung to his car saying how it wasn't safe to be getting a uber so late.

They all shared their final goodbyes and Yoongi started driving as Taehyung gave basic directions.

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