Part 14: Car ride

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"So how was tonight?" Yoongi asked as they drove down the not so busy streets of Seoul.

"Honestly it was probably one of the best nights of my life, other than that time we both went to your underground gig and then that time Jimin got drunk and started to fall over everywhere we went and the dance teaching assistant hit on him." Taehyung said chuckling at the memory.

"Top three isn't that bad." Yoongi said with a chuckle.

"So what are your plans for tomorrow hyung?" Taehyung asked looking to the elder as he drove.

"We have the day off so i'll probably be composing music." Yoongi said nonchalantly.

Taehyung quick;y said "That's not a day off." which made Yoongi chuckle replying "What else am I supposed to do, the guys all have hobbies and my hobby is my work."

Taehyung paused thinking for a moment before saying "Sleep over."

Yoongi looked at him confused so Taehyung further elaborated saying "You can stay at mine and Jimin's tonight, then tomorrow we will go out and you will get a life."

Yoongi chuckled before replying "Rude." to which Taehyung simply stated "Facts."

Both laughed before Yoogni said "You really are like my pushy little brother, trying to make me do things when i'm content with what i'm doing."

Taehyung shook his head as he said "And your like my older, lazy brother who does nothing other than work and has no life. You should be thankful to be blessed with a angel like me."

Both laughed again until Taehyung said "Yeah you have no choice your staying at mine, Jimin said whatever and it's cool."

Yoongi looked at him and was about to protest but before he could Taehyung cut him off saying "You had no plans anyways and I can lend you clothes."

The rest of the car ride was spent with Yoongi asking questions about satying over and Taehyung having a logical answer to them all.

The journey ended with Yoongi defeated and getting out of the car as Taehyung jumped around happily before leading Yoongi to his shared house apartment thing.

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