Part 36: Breakfast

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The entire room was in whispers about the night before, filling with silence when the topic of conversation entered the room.

Yoongi pulled out a seat for Jimin then himself before sitting down and beginning to eat the precooked food which was laid out on the table.

Both thanked the others in the now silent room, no one knowing what to say.

The silence almost grew unbearable for everyone but just before that point Taehyung snapped and blurted out "Are you guys together now or what?"

Yoongi looked to Jimin who's face was already turning pink before turning back to Taehyung and saying "It's complicated."

Taehyung didn't even say anything to Yoongi, instead looking at Jimin with a look that said really on his face.

Jimin didn't even bother to respond to the look Taehyung was giving him and carried on eating.

Everyone stared at the pair waiting for one to say something else but it never came. After clearing up after breakfast they all went and sat in the living room, Taehyung taking the seat next to Jimin and Jungkook sitting on the other side.

Yoongi sat facing them with Hoseok and Namjoon on either side of him and Jin in front of him on the floor.

Jin was the first to speak quickly growing bored of the silence and mystery around what was meant so he asked "What do you mean it's complicated?"

Jimin looked straight to the floor nervously biting his lip not sure what to say.

Yoongi sighed before bluntly replying "Jiminie can't understand how a idol and fan can be together. His words not mine."

Yoongi was quickly getting annoyed at how nosy they were being and instantly regretted how it sounded because it was as if it were aimed towards Jimin this him apologising to the younger who understood.

Everyone then looked to Jimin expecting him to deny it but he just nodded with no emotion on his face.

"Jiminieeeeeeeee." Taehyung said diving on top of the older and hugging him then saying "You need to stop coming up with excuses just because your scared of commitments other than dancing."

Everyone in the rooms eyes widened at the discovery which Jimin was quick to deny as he shook his head simply stating "I'm not scared of commitments."

Taehyung started to gently punch Jimin's leg and complained "Just own up to it."

Jimin shook his head repeating what he said again.

Taehyung pouted then asked "Then why didn't you take that full time job offer you got last month? Or why didn't you extent the lease on the apartment? Or why did you say no to getting a puppy? Or-"

Jimin sighed before interrupting and saying "I didn't take the job because of school and because it was too far away. I didn't extend the lease for the same reason I said no puppy which is because the apartment doesn't allow pets but we don't really have the money to get an apartment that allows them but the moment we do we can move because we aren't on a long term lease."

Taehyung's eyes widened as he sat up properly and hugged Jimin saying "We can get a puppy?" Happily.

Jimin chuckled and patted Taehyung's back then replying "Eventually."

The tone in the room changing drastically.

"Wait so this conversation started with Jimin having commitment issues and then ended in you agreeing on getting a puppy?" Jungkook asked chuckling, completely confused.

"That's what it looks like." Hoseok said laughing lightly.

"What type of dog are you guys thinking about getting?" Yoongi asked happily enjoying a different conversation.

"Oooh can we get a Pomeranian?" Taehyung asked looking at Jimin with child like eyes.

"Which type of dog are they?" Jimin asked not sure which they were so Taehyung explained "Their the big puffy fluff balls of joy which are smol and cute and precious."

Jin and Namjoon stared between the others in the room before finally looking at each other and then saying in unison "Don't change topics."

With Namjoon adding "Thank you for trying Tae." Since his attempt originated with making Jimin address his dislike of commitments.

"Ugh but it's easier to change topicsssss." Jimin complained resting his head on Taehyung's shoulder.

"You wanted us to say why it's complicated we explained. What more do you want?" Yoongi asked worrying the pressure would make Jimin take back his wanting to try.

"We want to know why Jimin thinks it's unrealistic. Celebrities date fans all the time." Jin said looking at the younger with caring eyes then adding "It's okay if you do have difficulty with commitments."

Jimin's eyes widened again as he looked down to the floor not wanting to address it even though he knew he'd have to.

"There's more to it than possible commitment issues." Jimin eventually said gaining every bodies full attention.

"More?" Hoseok asked getting a small nod back.

"There's also the trust issues and the thinking you know someone when you don't. Like knowing Yoongi hyung for the short time I have has made me see him as a completely different person, a more human person who I respect more but at the same time I don't understand how he can trust that I'm not seeing him just as an idol but as a person." Jimin said playing with his hands nervously.

Yoongi chuckled lightly before replying "And that's one of the issues?"

Jimin nodded not looking up again as everyone looked at him with loving eyes since he was just thinking about himself but also Yoongi.

"Jiminie the fact you think like that is how I know you see me as a person, even if you don't believe it yourself at times. Like at the fan meet before you knew I knew Taehyung you were still respectful and treated us like people." Yoongi comforted with a gummy smile on his face as he did so.

He then asked "Is there anything else?" To Which Jimin nodded then expressing it and all of his other thoughts which Yoongi and the others comforted leaving one issue only.

"How can you make a commitment to a relationship with the media constantly on you and how can you make it work?"

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