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+ introduction +

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+ introduction +

Everyone always wakes up as soon as the large metal door clangs open. I lay patiently in the cot, my hand raised above my head, staring at the ceiling waiting to be uncuffed. The nameless women walks in between the rows of young girls with a large hoop filled with keys, she unlocks the hand cuffs letting them fall off everyone's wrists, clanging against the meal frame. The room is filled with 28 young orphan girls, all with long white nightgowns on, rubbing their bruised wrists.

We stand at the head of our beds, staring at the girl on the opposite side of the room. The women with the pristine bun and long neck walks to the door, looking down her pointed nose at us. She makes one snap of her fingers and we make a sharp left turn, all dropping our foot simultaneously. The East side start walking first, staying in the same spacing, following long neck towards the shower room. As bed 14 passes bed 15, the West side follow, a train of 8 year old girls marching through the halls.

We reach the shower rooms, the East side already stripped and in the open room of 14 faucets pouring out cold water, hitting the girls un cut long hair. West side wait until the 2 minute shower time was over, not even moving a muscle. The first 14 girls finish, heading back to the room to get changed into their fighting gear to get ready to train.

As West side shower period ends, East side leave the room now all changed and ready to fight. West side head back to the room to find black leotards laying on the foot of their bed, ballet shoes sitting next to it, and a single hair tie sitting on the pillow. Once dressed and prepared, West is taken to the dance studio, to commence the first 3 hours of the day. On the way to the dance studios the girls pass many windows, the early morning pitch black sky still masking over the city.

Entering the dance studios you fall into ranks of 2, 7 in each row, immediately standing in first position. A new lady walks in, a cane supporting her lanky legs, her pin straight fiery hair pulled back. She taps her cane on the floor, signalling us to begin turning, everyone turning at the same time. Bed 16 slips up, her supporting ankle gently buckling under her weight. No untrained eye would have noticed, but the teacher taps her cane on the floor once more, signalling us to stop and stand facing the front once again.

The cane hits the floor as the teacher stands in front of Bed 16. The blonde girl knows the procedure, laying her hand out in front of her. No other girls move or object as the cane strikes her hand twice, causing a loud sound to echo through the room. The teacher gently taps the cane on the girls right leg, as the young girls breath hitches ever so slightly. She turns to leave, not to be seen until the next morning. Bed 25 takes one stride forward filling in the space in the line, hoping her turns are better than Bed 16.

The teacher moves to the back off the room, tapping her cane once again on the floor, as the girls begin turning once more, never knowing when to end, only being told what to do by the tap of the cane.

Outside, in the cold wind, East side are standing facing a body target, holding a pistol in their hands. Their instructor shouting a number, indicating how many times to fire. Each girl shoots, hopefully all hitting in the desirable position. Bed 7 hits all 4 directly in the head, all creating a larger hole in the target.

She holds her pistol up in the same position, waiting for the instruction to lower the gun. Not flinching, moving or even showing glee to her success, or the next four bullets to be shot might be in to her head.

Welcome to the Red Room.


A/N - welcome to my new story! It's currently 3am and I decided to write something (always a great idea, I know)
I haven't really had time to sit down and plan this out but I have a decent idea on where I want this to go
so sit back, buckle your motherfuckin seatbelts and get ready for this probably problematic ride

A/N - welcome to my new story! It's currently 3am and I decided to write something (always a great idea, I know)I haven't really had time to sit down and plan this out but I have a decent idea on where I want this to goso sit back, buckle your mot...

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