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+ shields +

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+ shields +

I sat outside of Howard's lab, a glass window separating the HYDRA stuff from the work space as i looked up every once in a while to see what he was working on. This whole lab was constricted through a metal door, that seemed to always have a guard outside. I had gotten here earlier than call time, as I didn't really want to answer anymore of Peggy's questions about the night before.

I sat in front of the window on a work bench, a notepad in front of me lightly sketching out a uniform idea for myself as i leaned my head against my hand in boredom. I was part of the team now and if Steve got an outfit I sure wanted one too, and one that didn't make me look like an idiot.

As I did another stroke of my pencil, and as soon as my lead hit the paper, a large explosion came from within the lab. I looked up to see a bright blue light throwing Howard across the other side of the room as i hopped off of my stool quickly. I ran to the thick door that connected the lab with the HYDRA equipment to the regular lab. "Are you okay?" I asked as I rushed through the door to Howard, holding my hands out, not knowing what to do with them. He coughed a few times, wiping a cut on his eyebrow, his fingers staining with blood slightly as he nodded his head at me. "Yeah, I'm fine" he said with a groan, stretching out his back as he closed his eyes tightly.

I put out my hand, Howard slapping his hand into mine and pulling himself up with a grimace as he steadied himself in his feet. "Someone write that down" he told a lab worker, one rushing off to take some notes on what just happened. "Emission signature is unusual" he clarified to me wiping his dirty hands on his white lab coat. "Well I'd love to hear about it but Peggy should be bringing Steve in soon" I said quickly leading him out of he room. He took off his lab coat, throwing it at some helper walking past him.

I pocketed my sketch on my uniform, tucking it in to my skirts waist band as i pointed at his face. "You have a little blood" I said motioning to his eyebrow, causing him to wipe it off with the back of his hand as he then wiped it onto his lab coat. As soon as he did that Peggy came bursting through the door, a heated look on her face, Steve trailing helplessly behind her. "I'm going to go deal with that, you fill in Steve" I said slightly speed walking after Peggy.

"Hey, wait up" I said running after Peggy, my shoes echoing against the brick walls. "What's wrong?" I asked her as she finally stopped walking and turned to face me. "He bloody kissed that Lorraine girl, you know the one I don't like, the blonde one who always has her top button undone. It's against dress regulation" she said angrily, throwing her hands in the air.

"Okay and?" I said hesitantly, not wanting to push the wrong buttons on her, she might strangle me. "I don't know, he just kissed her" she said huffily, crossing her arms in anger, looking at me with flames in her eyes. "Are we finally agreeing that you have a crush on him then?" I said with one eyebrow raised. "No" She snapped as she began walking again.

"You can't be angry at him if you don't tell him how you feel Peg, he's going to be like every other soldier under you tap him on the back and say you like him" I said once again trying to catch up with him. "No" She said again speeding up away from me as I just stopped walking, deciding I was fighting for a lost cause and that i would go see what Howard and Steve were doing. I walked back the way I came, seeing Steve and Howard looking at a simple gold shield, which wasn't very large and probably wouldn't give him much coverage.

"You're getting a new shield?" I said stopping at the end of the table with countless shields on it, all of which looked a lot better, and safer, than the one he was holding. "Sure am" he said as he flipped it around, the round circle of metal not being anything special compared to the others Howard had made. "And because you seem to be attached" Howard said as he pulled out my two batons, in staff form, from under the table. He threw it at me, as I caught it easily in my left hand, smiling down at the familiar weapon I didn't get much practise on.

"Is that made out of vibranium too?" Steve asked, gesturing towards my batons. Howard nodded his head, shoving his hands into his pockets. "The last of it went into making that shield pal, don't lose it" he said seriously, Steve nodding his head to the command. I heard a pair of heels rounding the corner, looking up to see Peggy still looking rather sour. "You quite finished, Mr. Stark? I'm sure the Captain has some unfinished business" she snarked with pursed lips. I rolled my eyes quickly, looking at both Steve's face then Peggy's, who was staring at Steve uneasily. "What do you think?" Steve asks, holding up the shield against his torso.

Peggy cocked her head to the side, grabbing a gun off of the metal bench next to her, and firing 4 bullets straight on to Steve's new shield. I continued to stand up straight, not even flinching as the shots echoed through the room, everyone else getting scared at the threat of danger. Howard crouched to the floor, startled by the loud noises. She threw the gun down lazily on the table, Steve lowered the shield a very concerned look on his face.

"Yes. I think it works" she said curtly before walking past us all, Howard stood next to Steve both men staring at what just happened. "I have some ideas about the uniform" Steve said to Howard passing him a piece of paper. "Oh, so do I" I said running around the corner of the table with my sketches, pushing it in to Howard's hand. He smiled up at me before walking away from both of us, Steve still staring at the absence of Peggy.



A/N: hey guys, once again in true fashion I have nothing to say, but please keep reading and voting and commenting and all that jazz
Thank youuuuu

A/N: hey guys, once again in true fashion I have nothing to say, but please keep reading and voting and commenting and all that jazz Thank youuuuu

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