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+ nicholas +

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+ nicholas +


"Ivankova" I heard someone shout as I walked down the halls of the SHIELD compound in Los Angeles.
I stopped abruptly, turning to see Keller running after me. "Can I help?" I said to him, putting my hands on my waist as I raised my eyebrows at them. "We need a mission report from you, just ask Robbins for it next time you see him" He said to me, a young man trailing behind him as he jogged to keep up with him.

"This is Nicholas" He said, pointing to the guy behind him who nodded his head at me quickly. "It's Fury" Nicholas said, stretching his hand out to me. I shook his hand quickly, not wanting to be rude. "Ivankova" I said quickly, smiling weakly. "Are you the, you know" He said, hesitating on whether or not he should ask. "The immortal one?" I asked, finishing his sentence for him. He nodded his head shyly, clearly embarrassed. "Yeah that's me" I said, tilting my head to the side.

"Fury, stop bugging her" Keller said, holding his hand out to tell him to stop. "It's okay, the new ones don't know yet, someone's got to tell them" I said, slightly lying, as I did find it pretty annoying when people asked me. "What clearance are you, Fury?" I asked him. "Erm, Level 1" he replied to me, squaring his shoulders, proud that he was even an agent.

"Well I which you luck, I'll see you around" I said with a small smile. "I'll get that report to you soon" I said to Keller before turning around, walking the way I came. I pushed through the doors that led to the garage, hopping on a motorcycle, pulling a helmet onto my head. I pulled the keys out of the pocket of my leather jacket, turning on the bike and revving the engine.

I lifted up my feet, the garage doors automatically opening as I got closer to them. Though I did have a SHIELD issued car, I preferred to use the motorcycle, it just added to my persona.


The bike came to a halt on one of the suburban streets of Los Angeles, I yanked the keys out, pulling off the helmet and walking up the porch of the light blue house. The door creaked open, many laughs coming from the kitchen. "Hello" I shouted, setting my helmet of the small table that say to the left of the door.

Dylan pokes his head around the corner of a doorway, a smile spread on his face. "Aunt Ally, Hi" he said walking up to me and engulfing me in a hug.
"I don't think you get to call me that anymore, you're like 30" I said with a laugh, patting him on the back. "Mums in the kitchen" he said, nodding his head in the direction of the kitchen, telling me to follow him.

"Ally?" I heard Peggy shout from the kitchen. "I'm coming" I shouted back, the kitchen coming into view, Peggy sitting at the table with a mug in her hand, Joshua and his wife Lisa across the table from her. "Ally" Josh said, getting out of his chair and giving me a quick hug. "Hey" I said quickly before sitting down in the chair next to Peggy, giving her a quick side hug.

She was coming up on 70 now, her hair had greyed, lines framing her face. "How's the compound?" Peggy asked me quickly, with a raise of her eyebrow. "You told me not to answer that question, you're retired for a reason" I said with a smile, remembering the time she told me not to tell her how my day has been.

"Yeah but, I'm still the founder" she said to me, returning that smile. "But you're no longer Director" I corrected her, pointing my finger at her. "I don't like the LA compound anyway" I added, digging at her decision to make a HQ in California in '76. "Mum went mad when I decided to move out here" Dylan said to me with a smile, his american accent mingling with his british one, due to living in both countries his whole life.

"Could of just stayed in London with me" She said to him, with raised eyebrows. "We're still in London mum" Josh said, his arm around the back of Lisa's chair. "How lovely" I said sarcastically, joking around with him. "Is Keller ruining the place?" Peggy asked me, more persistent than ever.

"No, now stop asking me" I said to her, shaking my head, refusing to give up any information. "When do you go back to London?" I asked Josh, trying to change the subject. "Sunday" he said, looking at Peggy. "Are you going too?" I asked her, knowing she probably would be.

"Yeah" She said with a nod of her head. "Have you spoken to Howard lately?" I asked her, not wanting to talk about the fact my best friend was leaving again. "A few weeks ago" she replied, looking down at her cup. Neither of us heard from Howard much anymore, only talking to him once in a blue moon.
"You want to help me move my wardrobe?" Dylan asked me with an he brow raised. "I don't need to help you, I could do it myself" I reforged back at him.

"Oh okay you can do it yourself then" He said, leaning back in his chair with his arms folded. "Ha, fine" I said cracking my neck and. pushing my chair back. Though it took the boys time to warm up to me when they first met me, this was the closest thing I had to a family.

And I loved them like they were my real family.


A/N: I wanted to add in a little filler chapter that isn't going to be as sad as the next, looking at the dates could anyone guess what the next part is?
Anyway please vote and comment and i'll see y'all soon

A/N: I wanted to add in a little filler chapter that isn't going to be as sad as the next, looking at the dates could anyone guess what the next part is?Anyway please vote and comment and i'll see y'all soon

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