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+ lies +

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+ lies +

We took Steve back to the facility he was being kept at, I opted to sit in a car with him and make someone else ride the bike back. I was the only thing he knew as the moment, though he didnt really know me at all. He stared in amazment as we made our way through the Lobby, and up the elevator.

Fury had gone to do whatever he does, assigning me to breif Steve on all thats been going on. Steve was cornered by a bunch of Agents, making sure he didnt run again, taking him into an interveiw room, hoping that would give us some privacy.

"He's not a criminal, you don't have to stay I've got it from here" I said filing the agents out the room and closing the door behind me. "I don't understand" Steve said pulling out the chair that sat tucked under the table, myself sitting in the one across from him. "It's a long story trust me" I said flipping my hair over my shoulder. "Thirsty?" I asked him with a small smile, clicking the handy call button that sat under the table. "Ally, I watched you die" he said leaning forward in his seat.

"You watched me fall" I corrected, a small knock on the door stopping me from elaborating. "You alright Al?" Maria asked me, poking her head round the door. "Hey didnt know you were here. Could you get an intern to grab me a Cappacino and" I looked at Steve, who just sat in his chair staring at his hands, lost. "And just a water for him" I said with a smile, which was returned by her before she left, clicking the door shut as she did. "You feel tired?" I joked, leaning back in my chair and crossing my arms.

"Ally, just tell me whats going on" Steve said firmly, looking at me seriously. I was stalling as much as possible, not wanting to tell him how i was never on his side, betraying his trust. "Well this is SHIELD, which stands for Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division" I explained.

"I didn't pick the name" I clarified, as every SHIELD agent ever hates it as much as the next, most just don't remember what it stands for. "When you crashed you equivalently went into cyro freeze, then we found you a little while ago, thawed you out and here we are" I said quickly, not giving him time to think about anything. "How are you here?" He asked me once more, my face falling as i closed my eyes and sighed. "Okay, thats a long story but you have to promise me right now you wont get mad, I'm not like that anymore" I started off saying, holding my hands out in self defense.

"Don't interrupt me, here goes" I said to him, taking a deep breath and sitting up straight in my chair. "My name was never Allison Cooper, and i never worked for the SSR" I started, not making much eye contact with him.

"My name is Alyona Ivankova, and I was sent by HYDRA to spy on the super soldier experiment and the SSR. I was raised as an assassin, sold to HYDRA to become an agent, I also got given a serum, thats important remember that" I said as someone opened the door, causing me to stop talking letting the scrawny looking intern in a wrinkled suit place a coffee in front of me and a water glass in front of Steve, leaving as fast as possible.

"Wait, so you worked for HYDRA the whole time? Where you ever on our side? your Russian how could you of been" he started rambling, once again fiddling hid thumbs and staring at his hands.

"When I fell off that train HYDRA found me again, didn't give me any missions for a while. You know that Schmidt was taking serum which made him into the red skull, well they gave me more serum a few months after you died, which for some reason reacted with my old serum and stopped my ability to age, so I haven't aged a day since the 1940s" I said in one breath, rambling on to get this over and done with.

"Shield picked me up when one of their agents was set to assinate me, and now i work here, I'm on the good side, all my ties to HYDRA got cut off immediately as went through my SHIELD training" I clarified, waving my hands in front of me for emphasis. I also deliberately didn't mention that is was Peggy who saved me, keeping that for later. "So everything was a lie. Me, Peg, Bucky" he started, holding his class in his hand but not drinking it. "No, I did like you guys, and i still do, sure I wasn't being 100% honest the whole time but-" I stopped not entirely sure how I felt at the time.

"Look i know it's a lot to take in, and trust me. I don't expect you to process this all right now, but I've changed I promise, you didn't know me as Alyona, technically I'm still Allison, but with a different name" i rambled once agin taking a sip of my coffee and leaning forward in my chair. "So you were feeding all of our information straight to them" he asked once again, confused.

"We won the war obviously" I said leaning forward in my chair and wrapping my hands around my warm mug. "We as in the allies anyway" I rephrased after realising what i had said. "Yeah but it isn't exactly the point though is it, I trusted you and little did I know you were completely betraying us" he said finally making eye contact with me, his blue eyes visibly holding in multiple emotions.

I couldn't reply, he was right and i refused to accept it.


I'd like to thank everyone who is still reading, you guys are the real ones and I appreciate you so much.
Also i'm aware I left Steve and Ally's relationship on the rocks, but I felt like Steve wouldn't forgive her straight away.
Anyway, I will be making a sequel so just keep your eyes peeled.
And for one last time, please vote and comment and i'll love you forever

 And for one last time, please vote and comment and i'll love you forever

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