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+ walk +

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+ walk +

We had been walking for a few days now, men taking turns on sitting on the tank and inside the trunk, Steve and I not leaving our places from the front the whole way. I kept cracking jokes, in order to keep the mood nice and light, Bucky would occasionally laugh, but Steve wouldn't even crack a damn smile.

"Hey we are near, you now that right? I recognise this road" I said to Steve, spinning my batons in my hand, continuously clicking them together and i clicking them to keep me sane. "How are you not dying? We've literally walked from country to country" he asked me with a small smile finally showing through.

"I like walking" I said simply, shrugging my shoulders. "This was one hell of a walk" Bucky said, adjusting the gun that he had in his hands."Yeah well it better have been worth it, I'm going to get screamed at by Philips sooner or later" I said clicking my two batons together, making one long staff.

I swung it around in my hands for a few seconds before dismantling it again. "I didn't even get to use this" I said pitifully looking down at the indestructible metal. I could see the camp at the end of the road now, as it flattened out. Crowds congregated at the gates, all looking at Steve as if he was some kind of super hero.

"Brace yourselves" Steve said to us as we got closer to the masses of people, they began cheering for the amount of men we had been able to save.
By the time we made it to the bar, men were running up to great us, standing on either side and clapping. We walked through the clouds, many men gawking around looking at their admirers.

At the end of the passageway that had been formed was a large group, Colonel Philips stood at the front with Peggy at his side. Colonel Philips looked baffled, as I'm guessing we had been pronounced dead. I kept my eyes straight ahead, not bothering to look at the masses of men clapping and cheering for us.

As we stood in front of my friend and Philips, Steve saluted to him. Peggy shot me a look, and I smirked back at her, hoping she was impressed by our efforts. "Some of theres men need medical attention" Steve said referencing the wounded men behind us.

He took a second, looking from Peggy and back at me before sighing heavily. "I'd like to surrender myself for disciplinary action" he said proudly, squaring his shoulders. I look over at Peggy, who didn't looked shocked, as if she knew he would take the punches to get us out of trouble. "That won't be necessary" Philips grumbled, looking defeated.

He turned on his heel, matching away from the crowd slightly pissed off. Peggy took a step forward towards Steve, staring at him for a minute. Bucky turned his head towards me, raising his eyebrows. I nodded my head slightly, turning back to watch what would happen in front of us. "You're late" she snapped at him.

"Couldn't call my ride" Steve replied holding up the two pieces of the transponder that had broke back in Austria. I lightly cleared my throat, making Peggy forget about Steve and look at me. "Yeah, I went too, remember me?" I said jokingly as she smiled at me, pulling me in for a quick hug. "Hey!" Bucky shouts out to everyone.

"Let's hear it for Captain America" as he finished everyone began cheering, Steve throwing his arm around Bucky's shoulder. I cheered with everyone else, Peggy slowly clapping by my side.

I have no idea where Schmidt or Zola went, and I sure as hell didn't want to be Alison Cooper forever.

I like being Alyona, and I like to kill.


A/N- So this is my fourth consecutive update in the last 4 days, and I'm honestly impressed with myself. I would like to know if you prefer it if i had a schedule or if i just updated whenever like I currently am, because honestly i just update when I can be bothered. Thanks for reading and coming back as always, and please continue to read because it would do wonders to my self-esteem

 Thanks for reading and coming back as always, and please continue to read because it would do wonders to my self-esteem

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