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+ pennies +

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+ pennies +

We walked into the bar, some men from the 107th that I had gotten to know well already sitting around a table singing. Bucky held the door open for me as I walked over to the table taking a seat in the empty chair. "Hey love" Monty said with a smile. "Hey, who would of figured you lot would be at the bar huh?" I said crossing my legs, one over the other, as I smiled brightly at them all.

"You want a drink?" Bucky said, leaning both hands on the back of my wooden chair as he smirked down at me. "Sure, just a beer thanks" I replied looking up at him, nodding my head. He smiled back at me before turning around going to get the drinks. "We've got steam to blow off" Dugan said with a smile, taking a drink out of his glass, his bowler hat slightly askew.

"With all that being prisoners and everything" Jim said, sitting squeezed in between Jaques and Gabe. "Here we are" Bucky said setting a pitcher on the table in front of me, scraping the wooden  chair next to mine against the floor before taking a seat in it. I wrapped my hand around the glass, bringing it to my lips and taking a sip.

"Steve not coming?" I asked him, the rest of the group started to chat amount themselves once more. "I'm pretty sure he'd be down later down" Bucky said with a smile. I smiled back at him for a minute, finding us doing the staring thing once again. It's not like I could help it, but when he seems to smile it makes me smile, it's weird.

I finally tore my eyes away from his, turning to see Jaques left out of the conversation due to the evident language barrier. "Vous Allez Bien?" I asked him taking another guzzle of my drink as i smiled at him softly, awaiting an answer. He quickly nodded his head, not bothering to talk to me as I looked away, Bucky leaning closer to me.

"He likes you" Bucky whispered to me, leaning in slightly. I turned my head to look at him with my eyebrows furrowed. "So he doesn't talk to me?" I asked him curiously, raising an eyebrow as I quickly glanced over at Jaque again before looking back at Bucky. "He's scared that if he talks to you it will ruin his chances" he replied, with a wide smile. "Well he doesn't have a chance if he doesn't talk to me" I said shrugging my shoulders. "Well good to know I have a chance then" he said slyly, a smug expression on his face.

I was about to say something but i had no idea what to say, as if to save me Monty threw a Penny farthing into my glass, it sinking to he bottom. "Save the King love, he's drowning" he said to me. I looked at the faces of all the men, then looked down at my full glass, I lifted it to my mouth, tipping my head back slightly and downing it all in one.

I slammed the glass down on the table, the wrong way up, letting the penny fall out of the glass. I wiped to sides of my mouth, picking up the penny and throwing it back at Monty. All the men looked at me in amazement, Dugan cracked a smile first before cheering, all the men following his lead. "Here you can keep him" Monty said sliding the Penny along the table at me.

"Geez thanks, I'll cherish this forever" I said flipping the coin and easily catching it again. "Would you look who it is" Bucky said, as Steve joined us at the table. "The one and only Captain America" Dugan said lifting his glad towards Steve. "Hey can I talk to you?" he asked Bucky, placing a hand on his shoulder. Bucky stood up smiling at me before following Steve to the connected room to the left of us.

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