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+ grenade +

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+ grenade +

"Come on Ladies, my Grandmother would do better than this, God rest her soul" I said walking in between the rows of Soldiers on the ground doing push ups. I turned to my left to see Erskine and Philips walking over to the clearing we were in, clearly in a heated discussion. "Come on girls, put some back in it" I said to the men, not even looking at them, attempting to find out what the Doctor and Colonel were talking about.

"Up!" I hollered as they got closer, commanding the men to get up off the floor and begin doing jumping jacks, Steve clearly struggling. But I wasn't paying attention to him, still trying to figure out what was going on. "Agent Cooper" I heard a certain Brit say from behind me. I wiped around, the whistle around my neck swinging then hitting me in the chest.

"Grenade!" I heard from the other direction, as the small yet powerful explosive landed I the middle of the clearing. All of the men scattering in an instant. 1.

2. Peggy got prepared to jump over it, but someone else got there before her. 3. Steve was curled up on the floor, flailing his arms telling us to get back.

Grenades go off in 3-5 seconds, and Steve was still intact. "It's fake" I said quietly reaching out to Peggy's arm, making her relax slightly. "Get back, go" Steve shouted once more, kicking his feet out get us back. He looked up, a confused look on his face. "Is this a test?" He asked, squinting up at me then at Peggy.

I crossed my arms and looked over at Peggy to see her smiling slightly. We made eye contact as I raised my eyebrows, a smug look on my face. "Right, let's get going ladies" I shouted once more, clapping my hands as all the soldiers clambered out from their hiding spots.

Colonel Philips scoffed lightly before turning away from Dr Erskine. I looked over at him, my chin slightly raised in request for an answer, I'd Steve passed the test or not. He lightly nodded his head, and I smiled before turning back to the men. "Rogers" I started, as he began to dust the dirt off of his trousers. "Why don't you take a break" I said to him, a wave of relief hitting his face.

He nodded his head smiling at me great fully before walking away, still breathing heavily. "Back on the floor Girls!" I shouted as the men groaned and got back into the rhythm of the push ups. I turned around to Peggy, crossing my arms as I walked over to her, taking my position beside her.

"Hot" I said to her jokingly, raising my eyebrows. "Oh shut up" she hissed at me before walking away from me. I rolled my eyes quickly, walking over to where Hodge was lifting him self off the floor.

I placed my foot on his back, crossing my arms over my chest. "Try not to run and hide next time, Girls" I shouted, lightly pushing my foot down into Hodge's back, making it harder for him to push himself back up. "Can you take your foot off me? Its painful" Hodge said through gritted teeth.

"Shame" I said pushing down a little harder, making him fall straight to the ground. I took my foot off his back walking away from him and in between the rows of men once again. I would of just let the grenade go off.


A/N- Hey! sorry this chapter is so short lol i couldn't think about what to write. I mean my updating has been pretty consistent I guess but school is a bitch right now so they will definitely be slowing down in the next few weeks. But once again thank you so much for reading and please favourite and comment and all that jazz and i guess ill see you in a little while my peeps

 But once again thank you so much for reading and please favourite and comment and all that jazz and i guess ill see you in a little while my peeps

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