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+ manhattan +

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+ manhattan +

My barracks wasn't a large ornate room, as expected, but there was a small bathroom. I didnt have to share with anyone, though Peggy was right next door anyway. I pulled up my suitcase up onto the bed, causing the metal it to squeak loudly. I unzipped my skirt from the back, letting it fall to the ground. 

My skin coloured stockings were held up by black suspenders. Around my thigh was a small holster holding up a fighting knife, just incase. I held it by the handle as I slipped it out of the holster and slotted it back into the liner of my suitcase. I quietly hummed a tune as I left the room to the bathroom with my toiletries bag in hand.

I set the bag on the edge of the sink, unzipping it carefully. I pulled out a small hand gun, balancing it under the sink basin. I put the bag onto the small glass shelf that sat above the sink, looking at myself in mirror quickly as I did so. My red lipstick was still painted on my lips and I looked the exact same as I did a few hours ago, though I looked different to how I looked back in Russia.

As I hummed I left the bathroom, turning the light off in the process. I picked up the fighting knife again, throwing it up in the air and catching it by the handle a few times. There was a small knock at the door and I stopped instantly, staring at it in silence. I walked slowly to the door, flipping the knife to a defensive position. I kept my hand holding the knife behind the door, opening it but only pushing my head out, as I had no pants on.

Peggy stood there in a dark blue skirt, her red lips contrasting the colour perfectly. She turned towards me as the door opened, a smile instantly lighting up her face. "Hey, I was just about to go to the pub, I was wondering if you wanted to come" she said to me sweetly.

"Yeah I'd love to just give me a minute, I was in the middle of getting changed" I replied, nodding my head, flipping the knife in my hand as I knew I didn't need to use it now. "Okay, I'll be right here" she said as I gently closed the door, lowering the knife back down to my side, sighing as I looked down at it.

I quickly walked over to my suitcase, dropping the knife down onto my bed. I pulled out a pair of black pants, pulling them onto my legs and buttoning them just bellow my belly button. I tucked in my white blouse, gently pulling out some of the material that was bundled up at the waistband of my pants. I pulled out my red lipstick, quickly reapplying it to my lips. I went to the bathroom to quickly look at my hair, pinning a few loose strands back into place.

I pulled some money out of my suit case and stuffed it into my pocket, slipping my shoes on in the process. I hesitated for a moment wondering whether or not I should bring a weapon with me. I decided against it and walked to the door opening it to see Peggy waiting for me. I quickly turned off the light and clicked the door shut, turning to face her. "You wear trousers?" She asked me surprised looking down at my outfit.

"It's easier to fight in" I said shrugging my shoulders, Peggy laughed lightly before we set off towards the pub.


"This place is normally filled with soldiers" she said as we walked through the front door, Peggy leading me through the tables towards the back of the pub to the bar. "Well they need to blow off their steam somehow I guess" I said smiling leaning against the bar waiting for the bartender.

"And drinking is the only way to do it" Peggy agreed nodding her head, at me standing at the bar waiting for the bartender to finish serving two soldiers. "How long have you been an Agent for?" she asked me quizzically, taking a sip of her drink as she tapped on the bar with her nails. "Around 2 years, it's been fun" I said raising my eyebrows in response, needing to remember that number in case anyone else asked me the same question.

"I don't think I would like any other job, though it can be a lot sometimes" Peggy replied, chuckling in response as I nodded my head at her, looking around the bar quickly. "Are you excited for the new recruits then? It should be fun shouting at them for a while" I said with a smile, being met with one in return as she nodded her head at me as well.

"That's your job, I'm just here to supervise" she said with a smirk, the bartender coming over as he threw a white towel over his shoulder, shooting both of us a smile. "What can I get you ladies?" he asked us, setting his hands on the bar as he leaned forward slightly. "I'll have a Manhattan and" I said looking over at Peggy for her to order as she smiled softly at the guy.

"Bloody Mary please" she said sweetly as the bartender smiled, nodding his head before walking away from us to make our drinks. "What made you join up?" I asked her turning around to lean on the bar as I faced her. "I was in the MI5 back in England first, I didn't take the offer at first but ended up taking it" she told me as she looked down at the ground, smiling at the fond memory before making eye contact with me again.

"When the war started I began working for the SSR, and now here I am" she said simply, summarising her life into a few sentences as she shrugged her shoulders lazily. "You were offered the job? Damn you must be good" I said with a nervous chuckle, knowing that she managed to get Erskine off of us rather easily, but I wasn't there so I couldn't stop her, which I probably would have been able to do.

"Well, you're an Agent too, we are all equals" she said shrugging her shoulders, making me let out a small scoff as i raised my eyebrows at her. "You just happen to be my boss" I said to her as the bartender walked back over, two glasses in his hands and a smile on his face. "Here we are ladies" the bartender said placing two glasses on the bar, a little bit spilling over Peggy's, as I reached out to take my glass.

We Navigating our way around all the tables, taking an empty one which was pushed up against a wall, Peggy sitting opposite me as I raised my glass in the air. "Cheers" I said with a smile, holding up my glass as Peggy laughed lightly clicking her glass to mines, both taking sips afterwards.



A/n: Okay I'm not a big fan of this chapter but it was just a filler chapter to establish the blossoming of a friendship between Peg and Ally
Once again I'll moan about how I have no idea about a story line for later, when i started to plan it another plot hole came up so I'm gonna have to smooth that bitch out
I'm also trying to tie Alyona and the whole killer side of her back in as much as possible, but sometimes it will seem a little erratic but just bare with me
Bye bros 👋🏼
(Ps - the gifs at the beginning were just for a little visual effect but it's been harder and harder to find something that relates to the chapter so if one day it doesn't, I apologise lol)
(Pss - I never realised how much I say lol until I started writing these notes, it's a coping mechanism lol)

A/n: Okay I'm not a big fan of this chapter but it was just a filler chapter to establish the blossoming of a friendship between Peg and Ally Once again I'll moan about how I have no idea about a story line for later, when i started to plan it ano...

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