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+ mud +

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+ mud +

"Ivankova" I heard someone call from behind me, causing me to stop walking and turn on my heel, my shoe squeaking on the floor, the sharp noise ringing through the whole hall. "You're wanted in the weapons testing room" a bulky man dressed all in black said to me, holding his hands behind his back. I nodded my head lightly before he turned on his heel, walking away heavily, mud falling off of the bottom of his boot.

The mud indicates he's been outside, which means he's at least left the compound in the past month, unlike me. I groaned quietly, walking in the same direction he had come, heading towards the weapons testing room, which was known to the agents as the WTR, aka the best room in the compound. If you got to test a weapon it meant that you were being given a weapon of your own. Maybe this meant I was finally getting out the compound.

I pushed open the thick metal door, almost falling over I'm the process. The room was a large T shape, having a range down one end to test out long distance weapons. There was a limber man with glasses pushed up his nose to the point it looked like it would hurt. Ahren was standing looking over the weapon the man was still assembling, looking pointedly over his shoulder.

I cleared my throat lightly, relising i was basically silent as i walked into that room. Both men turned to look at me, the man just looking up at me then going back to what he was working on. I didn't move, I just stayed in the spot, looking around the room. Ahren walked up to me, a questioning look in his eye.

"You can move you know" he said quietly, standing beside me and leaning in slightly. I didn't look at him but took a few steps forward, he placed his hand on the small of my back as i staring walking towards the other man. I quickly turned around and swatted his arm away from me. "Don't do that" I snarled, continuing to walk over to the large table the man was using.

"What is that?" I asked looking over the scientists shoulder as he screwed something into place to complete the small box he was perfecting. "Come, Come" he said, shuffling over to the longs test range, cradling the box like it was his baby. The man really reminded me of Zola, but thinner and taller. I wonder what happened to him after the train, I'll have to ask someone later.

"Throw this at that" he said reaching into his pocket and handing me a small circular disc, and pointing over at the torso of a mannequin that was sitting at the bottom of the range. I picked it up gently from his hand, retracing my hand and throwing it to the mannequin. It latched onto the stomach, the man pushing a button on the box extravagantly.

As he did waves of blue electricity shot out from the disc, encasing the fake body in a wave on blue, I turned my head not wanting to be blinded. The scientist squealed, rising off his feet lightly then shuffling back to where he was standing before. I looked over to Ahren who was standing beside me, and widened me eyes. "Dr Gerber, he's in charge of weaponry for this compound" he clarified, crossing his arms.

"This energy, is it from the cube that Schmidt has?" I asked Gerber rather loudly, my voice bouncing off the brick walls. "How do you know? You're not supposed to know" he said looking at me frightened. I widened my eyes slightly before replying once more "I'm Agent 1".

"Former" he said lightly, before turning his mind back to his work. "What?" I said walking closer to him. "Nothing" he dismissed me, waving his hand at me. What does he mean former, I'm still Agent 1, I have been since I joined.

"Here here, try this" he said reaching down and picking up a large metal box. He unclasped the lid and opened it up, revealing a familiar weapon. "This was recovered when you fell, I cannot tell what the metal is made out of, I've tried thousands of testings" he said crabbing me two batons out the box.

"I'm not sure, they made it for me when I was undercover" I lied, maybe I had betrayed my friends, but for some reason i didn't want to tell anyone that tiny secret lodged in the back of my brain. "Well, I have it a tiny upgrade" he said picking them up and out if he box and handing me it. There was a metal wiring incasing one side of them, a small rubber handle on the other. They had stripped it from its former blue colour, it now being a matte black. "Hold the grips and press the button on the flat surface of it" he said standing back, Ahren copying him and taking a step back.

I held them in my hands, pushing the button with me thumb. The same blue bolts of electricity raced through the caging, crackling as it did so. I scoffed gently, looking at the wire more carefully. "It kills, the same volts as a lightning bolt" Gerber said. I was set to push the button again when he rushed forward holding his hands out. "How about we save it" he said taking them off of me, and putting them back in the box. I let him, not wanting to put up a fight.

"Save it for what?" I asked, looking between both men with my eyebrow raised. "Oh did I not say? We have a mission" Ahren said from behind me, a smirk on his face. I scoffed, crossing my arms in the same motion.



A/N: sorry i have neglected you for a while, but I haven't forgotten I swear. I've just been swamped with school work and due assignments and all.
Anyway, she's getting back in the field again woohoo, prepare for an action shot in the next one lol
How do you feel about Ahren, do we trust him or does he give off bad vibes?
Thank you so much for 7k reads omg, I have been meaning to update since I hit 5k but I keep forgetting and it just keeps growing and growing
I hope you enjoyed and please continue to read, vote and comment
Bye 👋🏼

Anyway, she's getting back in the field again woohoo, prepare for an action shot in the next one lolHow do you feel about Ahren, do we trust him or does he give off bad vibes? Thank you so much for 7k reads omg, I have been meaning to update since...

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