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My dark brown hair was slicked back in an abnormally tight pony tail, the wind lightly blowing through my hair as I stood with my fists raised facing bed twelve. She has a name, that she was given by someone who loved her before she came here, but none of that mattered anymore. She was simply bed twelve in here unless she moved up or died before she can leave these walls.

Her jaw was clenched tightly as we circled each other, a small cut at the corner of her mouth as she growled at me quietly, almost making me want to laugh at her horrible way of trying to threaten me. Her breathing was heavy as my feet scrapped along the floor, staying firmly on the ground, knowing that if I moved them too much it would make it easier for her to get me off my feet. There was no mats, just solid concrete, so as soon as you were hit to ground your whole body began to ache.

She tried to swing her right arm into my face, as I easily ducked under her arm and throwing a punch into her stomach, knocking the wind from her. She was hunched over gripping onto her stomach, making me grab hold of her back and lifting my knee into her face. Whilst disorientated I pushed her to the floor as she fell with a groan, clutching onto her face.

I felt the stare from the instructors stare burn into the back of my head, her expectation looming over me as I stared at the small girl on the floor. I pulled my leg back as I kicked her hard in the ribs, her whole body writing as she let out a yelp of pain. No command to stop had come, leaving me with a clear instruction as I sent another kick, being met with a sharp crack.

I turned around, looking at the instructor with the large hooked nose, her eyes pointed at me as she lowered her chin in a nod. I turned back to the girl on the floor, tears falling from her eyes as she looked up at me, almost begging for me to stop. I squared my shoulders and clenched my jaw, letting out a shaky breath as I shook my hands on either side of me, knowing exactly what I had to do now. I slowly lifted my leg, my foot dangling in the air as I whipped it through the air, bringing it down and ramming it into the girls face forcefully.

She probably won't be getting back up after that. 



I swung the ax above my head, fiercely swinging it around me before driving it into the floor with one last grunt, letting go of it as it stood up by itself. I turned of my heel, slipping the three throwing knifes out of the pouches on my legs and immediately letting the blades fall between my fingers. I retracted my arm back, throwing the knives one after the other at the target, all of them hitting in the centre circle perfectly.

I wrapped my hands around the batons that were strapped to my back in a cross formation, pulling them over my head and slinging them open in one flick of the wrists, creating two longer batons. I pulled them both down, hearing the wind part to let the hard metal pass as I swung them around me with loud shouts. I clicked the two magnetic ends together, making a longer staff, swinging it lightly in front of me before lifting it over my head. I used my fingers to twirl it through the air, striking pretend victims who were surrounding me in my brain.



I stood in a room that had a singular bulb hanging from the roof, the musty windows barely letting in any light as my feet were planted into the floor, not letting me move even if I wanted to. All four instructors who I had seen every day of my adolescence were standing behind me, a hooded figure sitting in a chair in front of me, their hands and feet tied together with rope.

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