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+ maps +

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+ maps +

We had only spent a day in Italy before Philips shipped us back to London to the SSR headquarters once again. He had issued some of the 107th to London as well, as well as Peggy and Howard. Steve was mostly in the underground office, talking about the HYDRA camps and where they are located. While the rest of the 107th mostly spent time in the bar.

I stood around the large working table in the headquarters, a late map of Europe spread out on the table. Steve stood at one side of the map, small counters in his hand placing them where he recalls a camp being. "The fifth one was here in Poland, right near the Baltic" he said, placing a counter down gently. He pulled his arm back, trying to concentrate on what he remembers seeing.

"And the sixth one was about here, 30, 40 miles west of the Maginot Line" he finally said, placing another counter down on the map before looking up at me. "Did you see it? I only got a quick look" he said to me, causing everyone around the table to look at me as well. "I don't remember one being in Poland though, I thought it was a little further right, more into Russia" I said hesitantly, shaking my head as I reached over, moving it smoothly.

"I only got a quick look" Steve clarified to Peggy, who was standing next to him administrating this whole ordeal. "Well no ones perfect" she said swiftly before turning on her heel, Steve following her like a lost puppy. "You too" she said to me when she saw I wasn't following her, I sighed lightly before following along.

We walked over to Philips, who had a pen in his hand, looking at another map which had the weapons factories on it. I had never personally been to the weapons factory, it wasn't in my job description, but I knew they existed.

"These are the weapon factories we know about. Sergeant Barnes said that Hydra shipped all the parts to another facility that isn't on this map" Steve said using his finger to point at the pins on map.
"Agent Carter, coordinate with MI6. I want every  Allied eyeball looking for that main Hydra base" Philips decided, turning to Peggy.

"We are gonna set a fire under Johann Schmidt's ass. What do you say, Rogers? It's your map, you think you can wipe Hydra off of it?" Philips said to Steve, all the sudden faithful in Steve, who nodded his head at the superior. "Yes sir, but I'll need a team" he replied. "We're already putting together the best men" Philips said, setting down his pen, and moving the map away.

"With all due respect, sir. So am I"


I laid on my bed, my face propped up on my elbows, skimming over a magazine. Peggy and I shared this room, it having two beds and a small bathroom. The radio was on, lightly playing some swing music.

I swung my feet along to the beat, turning the page of the colourful magazine. The bathroom door clicked open, Peggy walking out in a red dress. I looked up at her, before looking down again.
"Someone got a hot date?" I said with a smirk, continuing to read my article on the best type of pin curls to do for your hair type.

Peggy stopped in front of the large mirror, pinning in a pair of pearl earrings. "Maybe, and how about you? You not out at the pub drinking with your new friends" she said turning around and looking at me.

"How do I look?" She finally asked, spinning on the spot. "Great, and no, don't really feel like going to the bar with a bunch of men who just got out of a prison camp" I said back, as soon as i finished there was a knock on the door. I sighed, closing my magazine and standing up off the bed. My feet hit the cold wood flooring, nothing but my thin stockings keeping them warm. I was still in uniform, because I really couldn't be bothered getting changed. I opened the door to see Bucky's back, one hand raised to his neck. He turned around as he heard the door open a smile on his face as he nodded his head at me.

"Hey a few of us are going down to the bar, I was just wondering if you wanted to join us?" He said confidently, causing me to lean into the door as I nodded my head at him. "Yeah sure, give me a minute to get changed" I said almost instantly, a smile melting onto my face. Bucky smiles back at me before I shut the door quickly, practically running over to my bed and grabbing some new clothes. "Don't want to go out huh?" She said to me as I pulled a pair of pants out of my suitcase. "I couldn't say no, could I?" I said loosening the tie around my neck.

"Or could you just not handle saying no to Bucky?" Peggy said as I quickly got changed, not even bothering to go to the bathroom. I pulled a white sweater over my head, holding it open so my hair wouldn't get ruined. I pulled on some black pants as fast as possible strapping a pair of heels to my feet.

"Well you have a nice date but I'll be at the bar drinking with a bunch of former prisoners" I said with a smile, pulling my navy blue coat on to keep me warm."Have fun on your date" I said before opening the door, seeing Bucky still standing there. "That was quick" he said with a small laugh as I looked down at myself"Yeah well, can't keep me away from the pub" I joked back, clicking the door closed behind me leaving Peggy alone.

"Well let's get going"


A/N- Ayoooo,
another little filler chapter in there before a chapter that is a little fluffy and light hearted, weirdly enough i quite enjoy writing the filler and non existent moments because its all up to me on what happens
but lol thanks for reading once again, see ya bros

A/N- Ayoooo, another little filler chapter in there before a chapter that is a little fluffy and light hearted, weirdly enough i quite enjoy writing the filler and non existent moments because its all up to me on what happens but lol thanks for re...

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