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+ howard +

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+ howard +

I sat with my back up against a brick wall, a small metal bed frame with a paper thin mattress sitting on one side of the cell, metal bars keeping me in. There was a quiet hum filling the space, telling me that the bars were electrified, keeping me in. There was two armed guards standing outside my cell, making sure I didn't escape, because the electrified bars weren't enough.

"You can't see her right her" I heard Peggy's distant voice say to someone, her heels clicking on the floor. "I want to see her myself" Another voice added, their shoes also clicking against the floor, I heard their footsteps get closer, until I saw Peggy outside of my cell, a very familiar genius by her side. "You are still alive" Howard said amazed, putting his hands on his hips, both of them flashing their ID cards at the guards quickly. His hair had greyed slightly, his moustache supporting stray grey hairs as well.

"Hi" I said, waving at him weakly. "Alright, Ally?" he said, nodding his head at me in disbelief. "You can't call her that anymore" Peggy said to him, tearing her eyes away from me to look at Howard again. "What's your name?" He said, looking at me with furrowed eyebrows. "Alyona" I said bringing my knees up to my chest, resting my arms on my knees.

"Ally still seems to work then" Howard said with a smile, turning to Peggy, who was giving him a stern look. He dropped his hands from his hips, clearing his throat quickly."How you been?" he asked me, looking at Peggy quickly who was still giving her a stern look. "Fine, when I'm not in a cell" I said weakly, dropping my knees to the floor.

"Howard, we have that meeting to go to" Peggy said, looking at him pointedly. "That's not until 3" he replied glancing at his watch quickly. "Am I that much of a pain to be around?" I snarked to Peggy, who looked at me quickly. "When you've lied to me for a long time, yes" she said nodding her head curtly. "Well, I had a mission" I said, shrugging my shoulders. "To spy on us" She added onto my sentence. "You were a spy?" Howard asked excitedly looking from me to Peggy, who was still grimacing at him.

"She was a spy" he said more seriously, furrowing his eyebrows and looking at Peggy. "What's going to happen with me?" I asked her quickly before she could leave which she clearly wanted to do. "We don't know yet" She said, flashing her eyes at both of the guards quickly. "Great" I said sarcastically, biting on my bottom lip.

"So you're a super soldier?" Howard asked me as soon as I stopped talking, clearly interested. "Yup" I said nodding my head slowly. "That's so cool" He said quietly, widening his eyes. "We promised Hank we would be at this meeting" Peggy said, insisting that Howard and her left me alone. "Yeah, which starts at 3" he said to her one more time, looking at her with wide eyes, telling her to shut up. "Why are you not as angry as I am?" Peggy whispered to Howard, not very well. "Because this is interesting, I'm a scientist" he said, turning to her, using his hands as emphasis.

"She's a spy" Peggy insisted to him. "She was a spy" Howard corrected her. "How do you think I found her? She was sent to assassinate someone" Peggy said pointing at me subtly. "I can hear you" I said, rolling my eyes. "Can you explain the whole serum mixing thing to me again? Peggy didn't explain it very well" Howard said to me, earning a bad look from Peggy.

"I was in an organisation, the KGB ran it, we called it the Red Room" I started, sighing, having to tell another person my story. "You were in that place?" Peggy asked me, a shocked look on her face. "The one when they train the little girls" She followed up. "Yeah, how do you-" I started, confused on how she knew about it considering it was a covert organisation. "We went on a mission, the building we infiltrated was the facility, a little girl shot and killed Juniper" she said, crossing her arms, the name drop of my old teammate causing me to swallow a lump in my throat.

"Well they train a bunch of girls from when they are young, but only the elite get given a serum, which I was administered" I continued. "So when I got the Super Solider serum from HYDRA, they mixed, eliminating my ageing process". "So it was basically the serum that Erskine made?" Howard asked me, to which i nodded my head.

"Can I take some of her blood? We lost of all Steve's, if I can get her blood I'm one step closer to making a new serum" Howard asked Peggy, pointing his finger at me. "Yes sure" she snapped, walking away from him. "Thank you" he shouted after her, looking back at me with a smile. "That okay with you?" he asked me, looking at me and shoving his hands into his pockets as he smiled at me.

"I don't have a choice, I'm SHIELDs property now"


A/N: and Howie is back as well.
So from here on out, it's going to be the events of Alyona's life leading up to the next big event (lol I really don't want to spoil it yet, even though most of you can guess)
Then Act 2 will start, more than likely in a different book, but it will happen! I'm dedicated to see this story till the end!
Please vote and comment and I'll see you later

 So from here on out, it's going to be the events of Alyona's life leading up to the next big event (lol I really don't want to spoil it yet, even though most of you can guess) Then Act 2 will start, more than likely in a different book, but it wi...

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