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+ trial +

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+ trial +

I sat on the damp floor of my cell, which I hadn't left in about a week. I whistled a tune, which I knew drove the guards crazy, but they were too scared of me too interject or tell me off. "Any song suggestions?" I asked them condescendingly, knowing they despised me already.

"I told you to not annoy them too much" Peggy said, coming into view, shooting me a look. "They can handle it" I replied shrugging my shoulders. She spoke to the guard quietly, the man nodding his head before clicking a button he had on his belt, turning off the electricity that was humming through the cell bars.

Peggy walked into my cell, a pair of cuffs in her hands. "Can you put these on?" she asked me, opening them and holding them out to me. I obeyed, putting both of my wrists into the cuffs. "Where are we going?" I asked her with mock excitement as the cuffs locked onto my wrists.

"To test something" she said simply, holding her hand out, motioning at me to leave my cell. We walked through the SHIELD base, ending up in a brightly lit white training room, which was a contrast to all of the dark training rooms I had been i before.

There was multiple people standing around the room, most in suits, Howard included in them. There was a male standing on top of the chalked sparring mat. "Ally, this is James" Howard said, pointing at the man standing on the mat who was dressed in a black long sleeved t-shirt. Peggy came to stand in front of me, using the key to unlock the handcuffs. "We want you to fight him" Peggy told me, taking the handcuffs and holding them in her hands. "What?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows as I looked around the room a few times.

"We want you to spar with him" she said once again, pointing at James. "Any particular reason?" I asked them, a bit confused on why a bunch of well dressed people wanted to see me fighting. "Could you just do it, please?" Peggy begged me, walking over and standing next to Howard. "Sure" I said hesitantly, stepping up onto the chalked mat, standing across from James.

He smiled at me quickly, lifting his hands up to his face. I shot him a smile back, not lifting my hands up, not even remotely scared of him. He threw a punch at me, as I casually took a step to the left, James punching nothing but air. He took a step towards me, throwing his left hand in a hook. I caught his fist, smiling at him quickly before pulling him forward sharply and driving my knee into his gut.

I put my hands on his back, jumping off of the floor and ducking into a roll. I wrapped my legs around his neck, holding him in a choke hold as I laid on the floor. He struggled, trying to pry my legs away from his neck. I let go of him, causing him to push himself to the other side of the mat. I put my hands behind my head, using them to push myself off of the floor in one swift move, landing on my feet.

James tried to swipe his legs from under me. I jumped quickly, James managing to stand up quickly. He tried to punch me once again, but I grabbed his arm, putting my hand on his shoulder and twisting it around, causing him to groan with pain.

"Okay, you can stop now" Howard said to me, causing me to push him away from me. James buckled over onto the mat, trying to catch his breath. "Can someone please tell me what this was about?" I asked, turning around to the group of people watching me. "Come on" Peggy said to me, nodding her head at the door, telling me to go.

"I'll tell you later" she said to me, realising I wasn't going to move until someone started explaining. I sighed, turning around and walking straight out of the door that I had just come through. "Go left" she said to me as I followed her order and took a left turn. "Are you not going to cuff me?" I asked her, still very confused.

"No" she said simply, swinging her arms by her side lightly as we walked down the hall. She took a right turn, which I hadn't anticipated, having to run slightly to catch up with her."Why?" I asked her as she opened up a door, Peggy Carter written on the door, there was a desk sitting with papers messily covering it, a chair on either side of the desk.

"Take a seat" Peggy said to me, clicking the door shut behind us. I didn't question her, plopping myself down in the wooden chair, Peggy positioning herself on the large black comfy chair on the other side. "Can you please tell me whats going on?" I asked her as she leaned back in her chair. "They want to integrate you into SHIELD" she said, leaning her arms on the desk.

"As a what?" I asked her, leaning forward in the hair slightly, as if I was slipping off in anticipation. "An agent" she replied, saying it so simply, as if there was no complications to it. "You want me to be a SHIELD agent?" I said, shocked. "They, I don't know how I feel about it" She repeated to me. "You want me to be an agent?" I said again, still in shock.

"Yes" she simply replied, looking at me like i was about to explode. "Have you seen this?" I asked, yanking up the end of my shirt and pushing down the waistband if my leggings to reveal my hip bone, my black hydra tattoo staring back at Peggy. "I've been a HYDRA agent since I was 20, I've been fighting for the same side for decades now, and you expect me to switch like it's noting" I said angrily, angry that she even thought I would just join their side.

"Once you told me that your smile wasn't fake, we know what you're capable of and the board think you're an asset to the organisation" She said to me, leaning forward and placing her elbows on the desk. "I was on a mission, it's different" I insisted, letting my shirt fall down again. "And this is your next mission" she said to me, her voice demanding.

"And what if I say no?" I asked, one eye brow raised staring at her as she crossed her arms. "You sit in that cell forever" she replied to me, without missing a beat, causing me to close my eyes, taking a deep breath before looking up at her again.



A/N: hey guys, long time no see. I'm so sorry i've been MIA for a while but i've been pretty busy finishing up school work and everything.
Anyway, Alyona is now fighting for SHIELD!! So from here on out it's just going to be a bunch of chapters of her time as a SHIELD agent leading up to the next big thing in her life, and then I'll start Book 2!
Please vote and comment, and thanks for reading!

 Anyway, Alyona is now fighting for SHIELD!! So from here on out it's just going to be a bunch of chapters of her time as a SHIELD agent leading up to the next big thing in her life, and then I'll start Book 2! Please vote and comment, and thanks ...

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