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+ captain +

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+ captain +


"Ivankova" I heard Fury shout to me, causing me to lean over the metal bar to look at him. He stood on the floor underneath the one I was on, his fingers against the ear piece he constantly had in his ear. "He's awake" he said to me simply, before turning on his heel and walking away from me, his trench coat swaying with his movements. I knew exactly what he was talking about, my heart slightly skipping a beat. I placed two hands on the railing, and hopping over it, falling down a story and landing softly on my feet.

I ran up behind him, my boots clapping against the floor. I was in my classic SHIELD blue bodysuit, a holster attached to my hip. "Give me an ear piece, I'm taking my bike" I said placing my hand out in front of him. He sighed deeply pulling a second ear piece out of his pocket and giving me it.

I shoved it into my ear before turning towards the garage, Fury continuing to walk towards the hoard of SUVs out the front of the compound. I placed my hand on the scanner that allowed me access into the transport area. I weaved in between sports cars and blacked out SUVs to where the motorbikes sit, taking the closest one to the front.

I strathled it while pulling the helmet onto my Head, revving the throttle to start the engine. The large door infront of me started opening as i rode forward, leaving the garage in the matter of seconds. I caught up with the rest of the line up when horteling down the streets, Sitting in between the first and second SUV. "Ivankova, you ready for this?" I hear Fury ask over the frequency, probably in the car in front of me, leading the line up towards the facility that Steve was being held, close to Times Square.

"Do me a favour and don't tell him anything, he doesn't know what i was. I'll tell him myself" I said to him as we rounded a corner, twisting the handle bars to the side. "What ever you say" I heard him retort back."All agents, code 13! I repeat. All agents, code 13!" I heard a female voice shout through the ear piece. The car in front of me started speeding off, the few behind me passing me and doing the same. "Fury where's he heading?" I asked, kicking the bike into a higher speed to keep up with the vans.

"Wait" I heard him say, clicking a few buttons in the SUV, probably enabling the tracker that was currently attached to Steve, incase this exact thing happened. "Times Square" He finally answered, the blacked out SUVs ahead f me turning on lights and sirens, to get to Times Square in the fastest way possible, clearing the streets off cars and cabs, leaving a perfect passage behind them for me to follow.

As we rounded the corner to Times Square i seen cars from the other facility corner someone, it wasn't hard to guess who that was. The vans in front of me instantly stopped, Fury hopping out in front of Steve. My bike managed to snake its way in between all the cars, drifting before stopping in the centre of the circle of cars and Agents.

"At ease, soldier! Look, I'm sorry about that little show back there, but we thought it best to break it to you slowly" Fury shouted at him as he turned around in amazement, looking at the bustling tourist attraction and bright lights that were Times Square.

He looked exactly the same from the last time i seen him, 70 years ago. A confused look stuck on his face and his hair blowing in the crisp air, a SSR t-shirt covering his back, which looked way too tight. "Break what?" he asked, still turning around and looking up at the skyscrapers. I took the helmet off of my head, shaking my hair out behind me. "You've been asleep Steve, for 70 years" I said to him, as his eyes met mines, filled with confusion.

"Ally" he breathed, looking down my body quickly, as a stepped off of the motorcycle, setting the helmet down behind me. "How" he questioned quietly, his eyebrows knitted in confusion, looking between me and Fury. "You gonna be okay?" Fury questioned him, holding his hand out to make sure Steve didn't start ripping apart Agents. "I had a date" he said simply, disappointment hitting him like a wave, causing me to sigh lightly, looking down at my feet.

Now I know he finally asked her on a date at least.


A/N: and Steve is back!! Only 1 chapter left now!
I really do appreciate every single one of you, and you'll probably hear me say that a lot. But that's only because it's true!!
Please vote and comment and i'll love you forever and ever

 But that's only because it's true!! Please vote and comment and i'll love you forever and ever

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