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"It's okay." I gently massage the girls back with my hand to help her calm down, a trick I learned from all the years of helping people. She sobs quietly in my shoulder and I prayed in my head that I didn't end up with a wet stain there, almost all my shirts end up being cried on, but this one is new and if my mother saw me with it ruined again she would start questioning me more than what she already does.

"I-it's just-" I pat her back and shush her softly, not wanting to take the girl off of my shoulder since I know how hard the situation must be for her. Even if I have never truly been in her shoes before.

Once she calmed down and backed away from the understanding hug I had given her, I got a hold of her shoulders and looked into her plain brown eyes, which were still really beautiful since she had been crying.

"Don't give a damn about that asshole okay-? You're a strong young woman and you can do better than him. He's missing out on something great." I repeat for the billionth time this month sadly since a fuckboy is never going to learn their lesson and the people that get played usually keep getting played since they don't learn the first time around. Not saying she's the only one I ever say this too, but I just memorized this line from how many times people have this specific problem, and when it's a guy that comes to me I just switch the words around a bit, but it's usually the same thing. With my luck though, I get more females than males that help, which is way easier for me and my boring life.

She nods her head and lets out a weak 'yeah' slip her lips.

I click my tongue to the roof of my mouth and shake my head, letting out a sigh and running my hands down my face to prove a point that I have yet to make to her.

"Come on girl some confidence with that yeah," I say, hinting at a playful smile because I know it will help her somewhat if she knows I actually am on her side and the boy who did this to her is an actual asshole. It really was motivation since she smiles at me and shifts upwards to stand up, I stand up as well and she runs her hands down her red puffy eyes, wiping all the tears off her face in one go. I was also tempted to walk her into the restroom so she could get a tissue and wipe off the wetness from her face completely since it would probably help her feel better.

"Yeah." She says with more confidences. I sent her a smile and hugged her one last time before letting go.

"That's what I like to hear, now you should go with your friends they must be worried sick," I comment, knowing some of her friends and how they have been shooting death glares at the boy who had made her so sad for a few days now. They were honestly not hard to miss. And after my comment, she nods and sends me another quick smile before turning around and walking back to the cafeteria leaving me alone sighing at the thought of helping one more person today.

Thankfully those kinds of situations only take a couple of minutes though, since I have had some situations that take hours or even days to finish and help the person out.

After gathering my thoughts, I take a few steps forward ready to leave. I couldn't though once I realized that my own friends must have been waiting for me by the football field. So I turn around and begin to walk towards the direction of the football field.


The pen in my hands was broken, but I just couldn't help let curiosity overcome me and start to dismantle the pen, piece by piece.

Which is an odd thing to do, but sometimes curiosity and boredom combine and I have to let myself wonder about things that might be completely useless to me. Or maybe not, who knows. Maybe one day my life would be threatened and I'd have to save the human race by taking apart a pen. As long as they don't ask me to put it back together because knowing me, I would mess it up somehow.

"What are you doing?" Someone asks, I try and take the spare part off the pen that was attached to the ink container. I knew that doing this would make me look fucking stupid if I dropped the part with the ink but I couldn't help but ignore it. I would just deal with the consequences of my actions later.

"I'm trying to explore, what do you need help with?" I look up to see Fredy biting his bottom lip nervously, something must have been bothering him if he is already biting his lip without us even starting to talk. He takes a seat across from me and stares at me for a second, I decide to put the pen down and slowly press my lips together in questioning. "How's your mother doing with the whole brother situation?" I asked. He shrugs, but never brakes eye contact. This makes me shift slightly in my seat because he has never really looked at me like that before in the past when we have talked.

"My mother still pretty upset, but I mean my brother is gay so obviously it's going to take some time for her to process it." He says. I lean on my hand and look down at the pen and quickly back up to keep looking into his eyes. If he wanted eye contact today, I would allow that. Maybe he needed some form of reassurance and that is what I'm there for.

"And how are you? Are you still anxious?" I ask. He shakes his head and leans forward. I know that the whole brother and family subject is a bit touchy, but it was always good to talk to people when the time came. Just like the first time, I wanted to put my hand on his to give him some form of comfort, but he didn't ask for it and it's important to remember that not all people enjoy human contact when we're sad. So I stayed put, just putting my pen down carefully so nothing would spill and I placed my hands on top of the table.

"Not as much." He taps his fingers on the desk below us and I look down at his fingers and back up.

"What do you need help with then," I say automatically. He instantly stops taping his fingers and gets a hold of my hand, which I was not expecting because this boy probably would avoid human contact.

"One of my friends, something's been bothering him lately, I mean at first it was just something I could brush off, but now it seems as if he's hiding something, and he makes it seem bad." He looks down at the hand he's holding in place with his own.

"Okay-? But I can't really help him now can I-?" I say. I try and take my hand away from his grasp, but he tightens his hold and pulls me a bit across the table is slightly digging into my stomach. He at least considers my well being and leans forward as of to make the conversation more private. However, he knows damn well that I don't like to seek people out, if they really want to talk they could try to reach me someway.

"No, you don't understand he's always so carefree, can you approach him? He won't do it himse-"

"No, I don't go to people, if he has a problem he can come and talk to me if he would like, I won't force him to tell me anything." I interrupt and try and pull my hand away, but he doesn't loosen his hold at all, that caused me to send him a glare.

"You don't understand, I know this guy like a mother knows her own child." He says. I scrunch up my nose and shake my head, pulling my hand away with all my might away from him. The conversation not only made me uncomfortable, but it was getting out of hand at that point.

"I can't help him if he doesn't want help, convince him and I'll help him," I said before grabbing my belonging and making my way to the library's doors. Even leaving my pen there since I could not deal with him much longer. I usually have patience, but sometimes being tested is not a fun thing to be put through.

There was one thing I was not going to doubt him on. And that is the fact that Fredy has some really good convincing skills that will help him with his friend.

Thankfully they do not work on me or I would have been screwed over one too many times doing what I do.

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