Chapter 20

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One step, just one more-

"Angie  what are you doing?" My sister asked, walking into the kitchen. She had  bed hair and I tried my hardest not to groan because I wasn't going to  be able to sneak out of the house this late at night.

"Well, dearest sister- I came to fill my stomach because I'm very hungry." Lies.

"Oh! I'm hungry too, what were you going to eat?"


"Oh  um- well I was going to get myself some cereal but-" I look down at my  phone to see some messages were coming through again, Kai felt the  need to text me at one in the morning so we could discuss somethings.  The good thing was that today was Saturday and I wouldn't be dying at  school from being sleep deprived. "Do you want anything?" Suddenly an  idea came to mind. "You know I'm really craving some pancakes from IHOP,  I'm going to go get some. You want any?"

"Wait you're gonna drive  right now? It's really dark and you're probably sleepy. It might be  dangerous." She states, which probably was true but I had to meet  Kai.

"Since when did you turn into the sister who gives  advice?" I sass, putting my hand on my hip once I have the car keys in  my hand.

"N-Angie- I don't think- maybe you should just make  pancakes here?" She pressed her lips together and I sighed. Looking down  at my phone to see more text had arrived.

"I know." I pick my  phone up and dial Kai's number, knowing he was going to pick up right  away. Once a soft hello was heard I cleared my throat and began with my  lie. "Hey? Can you by any chance pick me up and take me to IHop for  pancakes?"

"IHop?" He says confused, I, on the other hand, lean down on the kitchen island and sigh softly.

"Yeah,  I mean if you don't mind- my sister and I- want some pancakes right now  but she doesn't want me to drive." I tried to say the sister part  louder because I wanted him to know what my situation was at the moment.

"Oh, okay yeah sure- I'll be there in ten."

"Alright  see you in a few," I answer back quickly and hang up. I look back up to  see my sister crossing her hands over her chest while having a very  smug look on her face. "What?" I say, wanting her to take that facial  expression off her face.

"He's so whipped." A smile made its way  to her lips as she looked around. "Well, I'm gonna go lay down, come  give me the pancakes when you get back." She said quickly before walking  out of the kitchen, a sigh of relief washed through me.

How horrible would it have been if I were caught trying to sneak out? Not the greatest example ever put out there.

Now I was going to have to wait in the living room and wait for my friend to come pick me up.

Friend who you kiss every day and you love?

Yep, that friend.

When  my phone began vibrating I didn't wait to see who it was, I just got up  and left my house slowly. Remembering to close it softly because I  didn't want to wake up my parents or my uncle. That would mean me being  grounded for a very long time.

As I close the door behind me I  turn around to see Kai's car right in front of my house. I quickly  ran to it and looked inside to see Kai with a hand on the steering  wheel and leaned back peacefully, he turned his head towards my  direction and he gave me a small smile- with that I open the car door  and go inside. Closing it quickly so the cold air wouldn't get in the  warm car.

Without really thinking it through I lift myself up and  give Kai's lips a small kiss, it was quick but I could still feel my  face turning at least a light shade of red. My seatbelt was already on  because that was obviously the first thing I did when I entered the car.

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