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College, more school than what is needed- yet here I am trying to get a degree to become a therapist.

Wow, shocker.

I have been here for two weeks and I already hate it very much. Well maybe not the school and the classes but I truly hate how I have no one to speak to and I end up going home to just eating while doing homework.

Today was different though because my roommate just came in and she invited me out for Starbucks and I couldn't wait. I really needed more friends around here, it sucked that I none of my friends moved to this college.

Maybe I could get a college experience that everyone talks about.

It was also nice to just get away from all the drama that my parents passed life cause me.

Cool air hits me as soon as I open the door to the coffee shop, making goosebumps appear on my exposed skin. The air had a pleasant smell to it that just made me want to step further in. The line wasn't that long since many people still had class at this exact moment and I decided to wait in line to get my drink so I could start to get a head start and have a seat for me and my roommate.

"Hi, can I get a java chip Frap-"

"Angie?" I turn around to spot Kai right in back of me- my eyes widened because I haven't seen him in almost two years. I decided not to respond and continue to order because there were people behind me.

"Can it be Grande please?" I ask politely, taking my out my purse to pay but money landed on the counter in front of me.

"Keep the change." He told the women behind the counter. The lady didn't complain as she put in my order and told me it would be done in a few minutes.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, stepping out of the way so other people can order.

"I go to the college here." He says, raising an eyebrow when I press my lips together. "Why are you here?"

"To get coffee." I roll my eyes but laugh a bit. "I go to this college as well." I nod my head because I don't want it to get awkward. "So how have you been?"

"You changed your number when you left." It kinda shocked me as to what he said. I wouldn't think he would bring that up right away.

"Yeah- I just wanted to forget." I stated softly, looking down at my feet. "It didn't really work though."

"Well, it didn't work for me either." He says back, lifting up my head. "Sorry for being so straightforward but you're still in my head all the time." He shakes his head and holds my face with both his hands now. "I'm no sorry for all the pain I caused you because I had to deal with heartache too and it was shit." Tears were in his eyes and I tried to not jump into his arms and tell him that I forgive him. "I wish I somehow tried to fix things. I tried to forget, I really did. I tried dating girls- but I was never able to do anything with them."

"Wait did you kiss someone else?" I asked, kinda upset that I wasn't his only kiss.

"She kissed me, but I didn't kiss back. I was too much of a mess. I would just cry and try to leave because I only could think of you."

"Kai I d-don't think its time to do this right now." Memories start to come back on how hard it was to stop my heart from hurting. From time to time it still hurts because I can't forget him.

"Listen Angie I want to try this again. I'm not the same as I used to be. I want to try a relationship with you and get to know you in a more romantic way." He says, his hand going down to my shoulder and giving it a squeeze. "Please? Give me another chance I know I fucked up but I want to make it right."

Before I could answer the door to the coffee shop opens and I spot my roommate right away.

"Don't you think it's too late?" I say, my heart squeezing just a bit because I don't want to say this. I want to be with him. "You've hurt me enough."

"C'mon Angie give me a chance." He says, making me want to just jump in his arms, but my heart still aches from the memories and I couldn't. My eyes went to my roommate as she waved at me and I send her a quick smile.

"Alright, here's my number." I quickly grab a pen out of my bag and write it on a napkin that was on a table. "Text me and we can hang out sometime. But I won't promise to be as open as before. If anything I think we'll become great friends." Although it pained me to say it I smiled while we both give each other a hug but he kisses my forehead before saying words that I hope are true.

"I won't let you down this time."

Yeah, you won't, nothing will happen between us anymore. You got your chance the first time.

"I'll see you later." I reply, going over to hug my roommate, leaving Kai there by himself.

How strange that even miles apart we managed to find each other.

Such a strange strange world.

I wouldn't fall for him again though. He hurt me too much the first time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2018 ⏰

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