Chapter 23

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i'm going to have to move.

Was the only thing running through my head at that moment.

It wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't love anyone, but I love my friends- I love some of my teachers.

And I love Kai and I couldn't. I just couldn't leave him.

When Kai came into view I felt tear in my eyes because this big idiot could make me move without meaning it.

"Kai!"  I scream, him turning around when he heard my voice. He began to walk  towards me and I tried to keep my feeling buried deep in me.

"Hey." He says, not coming in for a hug and keeping his distance.

"Hey? Really? Kai why didn't you answer your phone." My anger was slowly starting to come out.

"Why are you so worried." He crosses his arms over his chest and I could tell he was upset that I was upset.

"Because  Kai I'm going to move because of your stupidity." My hands go to my  head and I felt like ripping my hair off. "You ruined it Kai that  necklace is to important for us to comprehend!" I scream slightly.  Wanting to just attack him.

"Well it's not like it matters anymore I already turned it in." He says back angrily.

"Kai! Why didn't you fucking answer I can't leave-"

"I'll be safer anyways." He states, completely ignoring the fact that I will leave him.

"You  don't care that I'll leave you?" I ask, my fist clenching because it  was breaking my heart that he didn't even look worried.

He doesn't love you.

"No I don't, you were here to only teach me to kiss why would I-"

Before I could stop myself my hand comes in contact with his cheek.

"You're  a fucking asshole you know that?" I say, my breath becoming shaky. "I'm  so stupid for falling in love with you." I try to blink back the tears  that were on my eyes, but they escaped and then I couldn't stop.

"Well  then it'll be better if you leave that way you'll forget about me  because I'm not ever going to be good to you." Instead of touching me  and holding me because of my tears he backs away. "I'll always be just  like my father." As he simply shrugs I felt more tears running down my  face.

"You're nothing like him, your father is-"

"No Angie  you don't know me enough to know that." He says, stepping back even  more. "I don't like you enough to care about you leaving." He states,  not showing any sign of it being fake.

He doesn't like you like that.

"Wow  okay. Months of being together and hanging out every fucking day means  nothing." I shake my head and close my eyes. "Thanks for breaking my  heart." I say as I turn around to walk away, but sudden realization hits  me that I won't see him again. "You know, I love you so fucking much  and you don't seem to give a damn." A shaky breath escapes my lips. "I  guess I find know you that well." Before he could say anything else I  began to run off. Hating how bad my heart hurts.

What a fucking asshole.

But I love the asshole.


Once  I got home I saw my sisters and brother in the car already. And my  parents loading the car. It was later that day, the sun had gone down  and I had to walk around a bit to stop the tears from falling. I didn't  want my family to see me in such a weak state.

"Dad?" I ask, him  smiling up at me and I run up to him because I haven't seen him in a few  months. Dry tears were still on my face and my dad must have noticed.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I sniff a bit but smile once I see my mom with my suitcase.

"I managed to pack everything of yours." She says, putting the suitcase inside the trunk.

"We're  leaving today?" I asked, shocked that I wasn't going to be able to say  bye to anyone. My mom nods and I try my hardest not to complain. I just  step forward and see that all our stuff is in the car, my dads truck  right next to it and it carried a few of our belongings as well. "You  put everything in?"

"Yeah." My mom looks down and I can tell she's  upset to. "We need to go now, we had to leave two hours earlier but you  were out." How long was I gone?

"Sorry, I had to clear my head." I  state, getting in the car. My sister smiled at me as she points to the  back. However I wasn't in any mood to be in the back with my brother so I  look her in the eyes that were probably still red from all the crying I  did. As she examined my face she knew I was in no mood to fight with  her so she moved to the back, no fighting needed. "Thanks." I sit on he  seat and put my seatbelt on, my mom getting in right away. We all knew  that we had no where to go and we were probably going to be in hotels  for a few days until we find a place.

As I hear my fathers truck  start to drive off and our mom asking if we're ready as she drives off I  looked back at our house and spot a familiar car that made my heart  skip beats.

Kai comes out of the car and the light was still  shining enough where I saw his face features. It looks as if regret was  all over his face and I tried my hardest not to tell my mom to stop the  car.

But tears come down my face when mouthed words come out of his lips.

'I love you.'

Instead of mouthing it back or telling my mom to stop I look back forward and let my tears come down my face.

"M-mom I need you to change my phone number." I say as this as my phone vibrates in my pocket.

I want to forget.

I don't want to love ever again.

When my house comes out of view and we're to far to stop I open the messages that were from Kai.

From Kai ❤️

I'm Sorry.

It's too late.

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