Chapter 19

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"So your mom is a gang member and you never told me?"

"No,  God fucking- look." I rub my temples before letting out a sigh and  looking up at Kai, getting ready to tell him again that she isn't.  "My mom used to be in a gang. Not anymore okay? But she still knows your  family."

"And Lucio's family." He points out.

"Yes, now that we have that cleared out-"

"Your mom was in a gang?" He interrupted and I couldn't help the groan that escaped my lips.

"Yes,  she was! Why is this a surprise to you? You're literally in a family  gang." I point out, putting my weight on my right foot because I could  feel myself getting tired. Kai just nodded slowly, not really knowing  what to say.

"I know but it's different for me, I'm the bad boy.  This is normal- you're like a good girl." A dry laugh escaped my lips at  his comment.

"Bad boy?" I run my hand through my hair and  place one of my hands on my hips afterward. "First of all, you're  nowhere near a bad boy to me and second of all, I do not fall under the  good girl category. Where did you get that idea from?"

"Well I  mean the bad boys usually falls for the good girl so I figured might as  well be cliche." He pointed out, leaning back on the wall behind him  coolly.

He fell for you did you hear that? So you're not being a  completely stupid teen who falls for someone who they never had a  chance with.

A small blush rushed up to my cheeks and I turn away slight hoping it will go down.

"Are you blushing Angie?" He asked and I try to turn my head more.

"No!" I say as I try to shove my hair in my face, the time I need it to cover my face it decides to be nice and not do that.

Carefully Kai grabs my face and makes me face him, the blush only getting  deeper when I realized I can't hide it anymore. It's just going to do  what it wants and I won't be able to stop it.

Kai pouts his  lips in a cute way and looks down at my eyes, his own cheeks turning a  small shade of red when he noticed me staring at his lips. His hand  drops from my face and he just leans against the wall again, like if  nothing happened.

"S-so what exactly do you know about your mom  and the gangs." He asked quickly, not giving me a second to register  that he probably wanted to kiss me but he's still not ready to be that  bold without being awkward/ embarrassing himself.

"She was just  basically friends with these dudes. Bad news, by the way, they never  leave her alone even after she said she was done." I comment, taking one  step back.

"How bad?"

"Bad as in, they snuck into my house  and tried to kidnap my sister." I smiled at the thought. "Luckily I was  there and beat the shit out of them."

He raised an eyebrow and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"You know I'm not surprised actually."

I just smile proudly because yeah, I was taught by the best. That being my mother.

"Do you think your mom will help us with any of this?"

"Nope."  My smile didn't fade because it wasn't even worth trying and then any  times I try and make a conversation with my mom about gangs she always  blocks me out. She has to bring it up first and then I'll be able to ask  a question or two, but when it comes to me asking she wouldn't answer.

Kai closed his eyes, he seemed to be quite frustrated

"Well, we need to do something. I swear Lucio is getting wors- I mean-"

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