Chapter 1

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My footsteps echoed through the hallways loudly, since I had  overslept because is seemed winter break ended on a Monday when it  regularly ends on Tuesdays. So I had forgotten to set my alarm and my  second class was nearly over at this point, so there was really no point  in going.

When I got to the class I opened the door  slowly and tried to make my way to my seat without the teacher noticing,  since he knows me well he will make a comment about my lateness.

Of course, when I tried to sit and put my bag down it was the loudest possible sound from every other sound in the room.

"Thank  you for showing up early for tomorrow Ms. Frost." He said never looking  up from his paperwork. I let out a small laugh and sit down.

"You're welcome," I said smiling. He looked up quickly and dropped his eyes back to his the papers in his hands.

"Why are you so late?" He asked. I shrug and throw my bag underneath my feet.

"You  know, school usually starts on Tuesdays when we go out to break, but  someone decided it would be funny for it to be on Monday." I roll my  eyes and lean down on my chair.

"Well Angie, lucky  for you, we only watched a movie for this class." I let out a small sigh  as I realized that I didn't miss anything.

The bell rang and I got my stuff and started to make my way out of the classroom.

Before the door could close I got a hold of it and peaked my head inside.

"Bye  mister!" I said before letting the door close. I walked to the lunch  area to get with my friends that were probably waiting impatiently for  me.

"Angie! Wait!" A hand pulls on my shoulder and I turn around.

"Yes?" I asked the random girl that stopped me.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" I rub the back of my neck and look back to the cafeteria. My friends are going to be pissed.

"Um- actually I-"

"Great!" She pulls on my hand roughly and I search my bag with my  hand that isn't pulling. When I get a hold of the windows phone I start  to text Kerum as quick as possible.

She pulls me down a hall and stops.

"Okay  so, um- I've been thinking of having, eh- active work, with my  boyfriend and it's just, I don't know if I should do it because it's  just something so big you know? But we have been going out for three  years already." She bits her bottom lip nervously.

"Well, sweetie-? Are you ready for that step in your relationship?" I ask.

"I- I'm not sure- he's just-" Her bottom lip begins to tremble and I could feel my insides turning. Here we go again.

"Does he want you to have sex with him?" I ask. She shakes her head and starts to pick at her nails.

"No  it's just, he's been looking at other girls, and I don't want him to  lose interest." A single tear drops down her eye and I shake my head and  bring her in for a hug. She didn't cry more though so I separated from  the hug and shook my head at her.

"No girl, if you're  not ready don't do that, if he really loves you, you don't need to do  the dirty yet," I said. She giggled at the way I tried to bring up the  atmosphere.

"Yeah, but he's just looking at other people." I send her a smile and put a hand on her shoulder.

"I  mean, it's alright, just try and do something special with him, like  plan out a date, somewhere where you guys haven't gone." I say. She  opens her mouth and closes it again before she finally says something.

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