Chapter 6

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As soon as I got home I dashed to my room and closed the room with to much force.

"Damn what's wrong with you?" My sister asked, although it should have been a concerned kind of question she managed to make it look like she didn't care, she just continued to text on her phone.

"Nothing." I answered lowering my eyes and went into my bag to get my own phone. Quickly I dialed Briana, she had no six period due to her ability to be as smart as Google.

It rang three times before she picked up.

"Hello?" She asked. I could hear the typing in the background and I remember she had an English essay she had to complete by tomorrow. As usual, she waiting until the last minute to do it.

"Briana are you busy?" I asked laying down on my bed.

"Kinda doing an essay, but I can take a break, I've been working for an hour already and I'm having some writers' block." She said, the typing suddenly stopped and she cleared her throat. "So what happened?" She asked. The sound of her chair echoing as she turned.

"I-I'm having a bit of a difficulty with a situation," I said softly. My sisters' eyes finally came up, I could tell she would try and listen for as much juicy gossip if I stayed in the room.

"You with a difficulty?" She laughed loudly and the heat slowly started rising to my cheeks.

"Actually yes- wait a second." I covered the phone and I looked up to my sister that was staring at me as if I grew another head. "Can you get out?" I snapped, not in the mood to deal with her.

"Um- no? I was here first." She huffed and turned her attention back to her phone.

"Fine, you twat." I rolled my eyes and got up to exit the room. I put the phone back to my ear when I got to my parents' vacant room.

"Briana?" I said hoping she didn't hang up like last time.


"Oh, anyways where was I? Oh yeah- eh." I closed my eyes and thought carefully how I was going to word this. I didn't want to reveal Kai's secret to her, but I was so conflicted about what I was supposed to do.

"I know you don't do this often but-"

"I don't know what to do for a situation." I blurted out feeling embarrassment spread through me. I've never had that problem.

You know what you have to do, you're just too much of a wuss to do it.

"If you don't mind me asking what exactly in this situation?"

"A person has this certain phobia and I don't really know how to get rid of it." I said, grabbing the piece of hair that was hanging in front my face.

"Well, if you don't mind me asking again what phobia is it?" She asked. I threw the small strand of hair to its rightful place.

"I can't say, I promised not to tell," I said, chewing slightly on the inside of my cheeks. Briana sighed, murmuring something I didn't catch.

"Okay, well have you tried google?" She said, that's the problem- I couldn't go to google this time. So she was the second best thing.

"No- I mean yeah, well I didn't really because I know how to deal with this problem. It's just- I don't know what to do." I whispered.

"Angie, you're not making any sense, look- what I can tell you is that you can't solve every problem that is thrown at you. Give yourself a break. Tell that person to fuck off." I felt myself think about that for a while. Maybe I could do that, but then people would stop having faith in me. Then again, he can't go around telling everyone he asked for my help. It won't look good for him.

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