Chapter 17

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*Triggering Warning towards the end*

The car seemed so small, ever since Kai told me that I was his it  got me all worked up and just made me feel butterflies every time he was  even a few feet away.

"Are you okay?" Kai asked, he had  removed his lip piercing which made me wonder why. But I wasn't going to  ask him because he wouldn't care.

"Y-yeah, just a bit tired." I  rubbed my eyes for a tiny second. I remember I stayed up late last night  doing homework for a few classes. It was difficult to finish everything  last minute but I shouldn't have procrastinated because I know three  hours of sleep is not enough for me.

"I can take you home if you  want?" He asked, his hands on the steering wheel. It got quiet for a  second in the car and I looked outside to see the small trees all around  the sidewalk.

"No, it's okay I don't have that much to do at home so it doesn't matter."

You  idiot! You're wasting my sleeping time so you can spend more time with  Mr. I'm-fucking-gorgeous. I don't know who you think I am-

Instead  of continuing to listen to the voice in my head I concentrated on the  way Kai's jaw seemed to be tightly shut, he continued to glance at  the review mirror and I couldn't help but just look up to see what he  was looking at. It didn't surprise me when I saw that he was looking at  nothing.

Turning around completely to look at the back seat I see a  small gym bag. Turning slowly to look at him I cough softly, not  knowing what to say.

"What do you have in that bag?" I asked  carefully, making sure to not raise my voice. I knew I shouldn't be overdramatic just yet, it's not like he would just kill his last chance  of getting out of blackmail.


"It's something,  what's in there." I wouldn't have asked again if I didn't catch the  nervousness that flashed on his face for a second. "Kai-"

"I'll show you when we get there."

I  decided to shut up, but I continued to freely stare at him and he never  said anything. He just had a smile on his face that made me want to  melt into my seat.


"You know- this building can get us  killed?" I say as we make our way up the steps of the building we came  in last time. Kai's blond hair seemed to be bouncing a bit with every  step he took. "Your hair is getting longer," I comment, continuing to  look at his hair. It didn't look bad, actually, it looked good.

"It's  not that long, it's not like it's at my shoulders." I didn't have to  see the front of his face to know he was rolling his eyes at me.

"No, I meant that it's just a tad longer than-"

My sentence was stopped when Kai turned around to face me, his eyes were drilling holes into my own.

"Angie..."  Kai whispered it. "I-I need to show you something." He turned around  with the bag he had brought in his hands. "I don't know if you really  care but, I don't know- it's just." He presses his lips together and  looks back up. His eyes suddenly look very sad, I want to hug him- I  want to tell him everything's okay.

But I couldn't, I was just looking at him. Things like this never happened to anyone else.

Well, Kai isn't anyone else. He's Kai.

"Are you okay?" Although my voice comes out perfectly okay, I know I'm too nervous for my own liking.

"Yeah,  you're just- what I'm about to tell you I've never told anyone else.  And I want it to stay that way okay?" As I opened my mouth to answer, he  places a hand on my shoulder and looks at me with so much sadness that  it makes me want to cry. "I trust you."

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