Chapter 10

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I raised my eyebrows at the car he owned.

It was a Ford. Not exactly what I expected out of a bad boy.

"My motorcycle is getting fixed." He stated when he noticed my face.

That makes more sense.

"Well, where are we going?" I ask, opening the car door when I heard the unlocking sound.

"First,  we need to fix my hair. Do you know how to dye hair?" He asked,  starting the car. I let out a laugh leaning against his seat.

He gave me a stern and my laughter died down quickly.

"I sorta do? I mean I dyed my hair, but look at it." I turned to notice his scrunched up nose.

My hair might have had volume and it was curly, but the hair color was horrific. It would give me nightmares at times.

The brown highlights did not look nice on me.

My mother told me, but I did it on purpose to prove her wrong and I  don't want to change it because I knew she would win an argument that we  had months ago.

"So you've done it before? You just don't know  how to do it?" He said, looking over back at me as he began to exit the  school's parking lot.

"Basically, but we can go to a professional.  I mean they could fix your hair." I suggested. The tightening of his  hands didn't go unnoticed, his anger was controlled quickly though.

"I don't have money." He said, driving a bit faster.

"Slow  down, I don't think this car can take the speed," I said quickly,  regretting it when he drove faster. "Shit shit. Pullover. Nope, I'm not  crashing today." I took a hold of the car seat, my hands began to hurt  and fear struck me.

I swear I'm gonna get a heart attack and he's going to be the cause.

You'll die happy though.

No, I won't!

"I'm too young to die, please slow down." Images of car accidents filled my mind.

The car began to slow down, but I could still feel the grip on the seat beneath me.

"You alright?" Kai asked bored.

"We almost died." My voice came out like a whisper.

"You're  overreacting, I wasn't even going fast." He came to a stop and I felt  myself shake when I opened the door to make my way out.

"You were going fast to me." I hissed.

"Whatever.  You can drive back if you want to drive like an old lady." He rolled  his eyes but I still told him I will. No way was I going into a car with  him if he drove like that. Thankfully there were no cars on the roads  and no officers were around either.

What a lucky asshole, I would kill to see his face if he did get stopped.

"Get out of the car. We are gonna die my hair-"

"Blah blah, can you shut up? How about we just get some dye remover."  I rolled my eyes but he just shot me a glare. It wasn't a regular glare  no, it was the- 'I would strangle you if it weren't illegal.'

"Do  you think I'm that stupid." He held onto the steering wheel and turned  around to not face me. He was looking out the window and I felt myself  feel bad for the guy. I did think he was stupid enough to not try that.

It wasn't exactly my fault though. He caused that on himself.

"Look  lets just, ugh- what color do you want it?" I give in, although he was  not facing me I couldn't stand it. For some reason, I hate how he can't  look at me.

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