Chapter 21

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Although  having a big family living with you seemed like a hassle, I got used to  it. So when I woke up the next morning and found it oddly quiet in the  house I began to panic because it shouldn't be this peaceful around the  house.

However, it seemed that my day was ruined when I felt something come.

Don't tell me I'm on my-

You're a girl, you can't escape.

"Fuck."  I groan as I push myself up from the bed and decide to just go to the  bathroom and do my business quickly before I stained anything and had  more laundry to do.

Once I was done with my business I began to  make my way down to the kitchen and saw how no one was here. Absolutely  no one, that means I had the whole house to myself.

Dance party?

Or you can search the house for anything suspicious.


It didn't take long for me to find the note my mom left that explained where she was, as well as how she took my siblings.

My  uncle just left, he never really says when he is leaving and taking his  pregnant wife. He just does what he wants without the thought of  others.

Speaking of thinking of others, Kai's family depends on  this stupid necklace that is causing them to much trouble for no real  reason.

"My mom probably doesn't have it-" I whisper, carefully  going through a few cabinets where she keeps valuables at, however, none  were there and it kinda relieved me because I didn't want my mom to get  tied up in the gangs again. She always speaks of how hard it was to get  out, but in reality, she keeps telling herself that because without her  last gang others would attack her. And that meant that she's never  really going to be out of it, just her trying to be on good terms with  her last gang so they can help her.

"She better not," I say again  to myself as I open her room door slowly. Usually, my mother tends to  make her room off limits, but she's not here right now. Knowing where  she usually keeps stuff as I began to search there. Which was a small  spot on her nightstand.

I jump a bit in shock when I hear my phone  go off, quickly picking it up to answer. Feeling like someone is going  to hear me in this room and it would blow my cover.


"It's  me." A small giggle came out of their mouth. "Are you busy Angie? Me  and the girls are going to the mall today and we wanted to see if you  wanted to tag along." Kory's voice was a bit louder than usual meaning  the girls were probably with her already.

"Um- actually I'm not  busy I can probably go." My eyes wander to a very shiny object right in  front of me. A small jewel that I know my mom did not have. "On second  thought I have to re-schedule-"

"No, it's too late, better be  ready in an hour. We haven't hung out in a long time." She quickly says.  "Alight bye!" As the phone goes dead I began to panic because I had to  do something, this necklace was not going to help anyone, it's just  causing problems.

Without second thoughts I ring up Kai, him answering within a few seconds.

"What's up?"

"I think I found the necklace," I whispered, fearing that someone was listening to me. "I don't know what to do with it."

"Listen,  you guys aren't saving with that shit." He lets out a sigh, a few  things moving around in the background before I heard a sound of keys  colliding together. "Lucio just called and said he can track their  precious object." Although I wasn't next to him I knew he rolled his  eyes due to his next words. "Fucking idiot."

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