Chapter 18

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"C-can I please talk to you." As I look up from my current classwork I was  working on I was met with green eyes and I just put my pencil down.

"About what?" I asked quietly because we were still in class.

"I-I  have a problem." He looked back down to his paper and I immediately  recognized him as the guy who played quarterback for our school's  football team (which sucks).

"Well how about I talk to you after class?" I suggest looking up to see our teacher occupied with something on his computer.


I turned back around to do my work, not wanting to get distracted because knowing me I'll start to think about Kai.

Like  the fact that the guy that just talked to me had bright green eyes, but  Kai's still looked more captivating and inviting. Or how his held a  bit of mischief in his eyes every time he talked, but yet managed to be  sweet. Maybe it was the way he was broken in the inside but pretended he  was fine. That nothing was wrong.

"Angie, your work." I  looked up to see the person in front of me holding out there hand to  take my work. So I passed it up, not caring that I didn't finish the  last three problems.


"So what do you need help with?" I  ask the boy. Sitting down carefully on the outside bench, he was sitting  in front of me and I tried to not to pressure him into telling me right  away. Maybe I wanted to go see Kai, but I knew that he wasn't the  only person that needed my help.

"M-my sister is with a guy that  treats her bad a-and I don't know how to put a stop to it." He  whispered, looking down. He had his hands folded on the table, his  finger moving around nervously. "And I don't like it, I really don't." I  reached over and took his hand in mine, giving it a squeeze.

"I  wouldn't like it either, but is she in love?" I asked, his fingers  stopped moving and he looked up. He shook his head and I only sighed.  "Then it's not too late, you can record them when he's being bad and  show it to her. It might work." I hummed and looked around a bit. "If  she doesn't listen to you, you can send her to me I'm sure I can talk  her out of that relationship." I give him a reassuring smile and he  nodded again, putting one of his hands on top of mine.

"Thank you." His green eyes stared at me for a while and I just smiled at him.

"Of  course." I said, standing up. He followed what I did but gave me a hug  while he was at it, I only giggled softly before hugging him back. When  we pulled away I was about to turn around and leave but he grabbed my  wrist and pulled me a bit.

"Eh, do y-you think I can have your  number? For times I need help at home?" I raised an eyebrow at him but  nodded, I took out my personal phone because the guy seemed nice and I  let him type in his number. Then I typed in my number in his.

"Just  message me when you need help alright?" I looked down at the contact to  see that he put himself at Daniel. Again he nodded and stepped away  turning so I could go find my friends and tell them I would be going  with Kai today. However, before I could even take any steps and  bumped into someone. "Whoops, sorr-"

"Angie, what were you doing with him?" I looked up to see Kai staring down at me harshly.

"I was helping him?" Stepping to the side I begin to walk, but just like Daniel- Kai grabs my wrist.

"Where are you going?" His tone was quite harsh but I ignored it because he was probably just in a bad mood.

"I'm  going with my friends." Rolling my eyes I tried to pull my wrist away  but he kept a tight grip. I frowned and look back up to see him glaring  at nothing in particular. "Hey, are you okay-?" I ask, but before I  could even reach over to him he had my face in his hand. Holding me  tightly and it made me gasp when he put his face near mine.

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