Chapter 3

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Usually I get to school thirty minutes before the bell rang, it was  meant to give me more time to hang out with my friends, but then people  that would talk to me decided to tell their friends that I helped people  with any kind of problems, and those friends told their friends. It's  was just a cycle of friends.

Now, those thirty minutes are used to help people I don't even know that well.

I  mean, I loved what I did, it made me happy knowing I could help others,  but sometimes it gets tiring. Just this morning, six people came to  talk to me and I'm already exhausted.

"Angie ?" A girl next to me smiled at me widely and I had to blink a couple of times before remembering I was in class.

"What?" I asked softly.

"You  should start the worksheet, we're almost leaving." She said before  turning back to her work. My eyes traveled down to the paper in front of  me that had yet to be written on.

I let out a sigh and began to  write the answers quickly, it was good that I have always been good with  History, the textbook that was next to me didn't need to be used  because I remember most of the answers from the teacher's lessons.

In less than ten minutes I was able to finish the sixteen 'difficult' questions.

I got up walking slowly to my teacher to give him my worksheet. He saw the paper and looked up, smiling gratefully at me.

"Thanks." He said. I nodded and walked back to my seat.

My eyes went back to the girl to my right, the one that had reminded me that I had to do my worksheet.

Her  eyes were concentrated on the textbook, her eyebrows here furrowed and  her light brown eyes seemed to widen and then she would squint them.

There  was something about her, I remember how she would always kiss her  ex-boyfriend. She wasn't one of the girls who would wait for her  boyfriend to kiss her.


"Hey? Do you need help?" I  asked nicely. She turned her head and looked at me and back at her  worksheet. Her facial expression softens and she bit her bottom lip.

"Um- yeah- actually, can you?" She said slowly. I scooted my seat  closer to hers and quickly noticed her discomfort. She seemed nervous at  the proximity, but I squinted my eyes at her and noticed right away her  body language. Just to test my theory I took her hand and enveloped our  hands together. My eyes traveled to hers and she seemed to look at our  hands in shock.

"Are you okay?" I gave her hand a little squeeze  and tilted my head to look her in the eye. She shook her head and I  could tell right away what her problem was. "Do you- need help?" I ask  quietly. Her head turned to look at me, her light brown eyes seemed to  grow a bit darker.

"Um-" I shook my head and gave her hand another  squeeze. At that moment the bell rang and everyone scattered away, but  we stayed in our seats.

"You've been trying to talk to me huh?" I  bit the inside of my cheeks, my mind goes back to the times she's always  asked for help, but unlike everyone else, I finally understood that she  was asking for different help.

"Can we talk somewhere else please?" She said looking at the teacher, she let go of my hand and placed them in front of her.

"Oh  don't mind me, I'm going to make a quick trip to the office." He said  standing up and walking out the door. All my attention was on her.

"Why didn't you just ask for help?"

"It's just- it's annoying isn't it? To get asked for help so much?" Her eyes traveled to the desk in front of her.

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