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An Anger Sated, A Love Only Time Will Tell

Natasha had never been so mad in all her life. Not even when Lúthien punched her had she been so mad as she was right now. Her usual joyful and slightly hyper demeanour had been diminished to a raving lunatic inside. Lúthien had told her that Thorin didn't mean it to be harsh; he was simply worried and it seemed like saying something like that would be the only thing to make Kili stay in Lake Town. But even Natasha could tell Lúthien was worried her self, not knowing how on earth to calm her friend down. Lúthien even tried to give Natasha her best encouraging smile, but it looked uncertain and weak. All Natasha could do was keep close to Kili and Fili as she watched the boat with her friends on leave. Well, most of her friends on.

Her nose was flaring with anger, her fists occasionally clenching and unclenching as her muscles tensed and her breathing was uneven. She had stayed in Lake Town for five reasons. 1. To stay away from Thorin, 2. Lúthien wanted her too 3. She didn't want to see anyone else hurt with words 4. Lúthien encouraged her that she would be okay and 5. She had to be with Kili. She couldn't t stand to be away from him for too long. Her heart would be aching knowing that he was alone with his brother and Bofur. Not that it was all bad, but she had a guilty conscience when it came to injured friends. She watched the boat leave, watched it sail into a the distance for a short while before turning towards Kili, but a familiar voice came to her ears.

"I see that left you behind as well." Bofur said, only receiving a stern nod from Natasha. Her thoughts were left to wallow in anger once again as a silence surrounded them. A cold, dark silence. That all disappeared when Natasha felt somebody grip her arm tightly, the grip getting weaker the further down her arm it went. She looked down to her arm to see Kili on the floor, paler than me was two seconds ago.

"Kili." She said urgently as she knelt down beside him, taking his hand within one of hers as the other went against his forehead, checking for a fever. His temperature had soared, and she was positive that it wasn't from his looks. She looked at Fili and Bofur who had gathered around him, pain on their faces and worry in their eyes. "We need to take him to Bard."

Fili hauled his younger brother onto his feet with the help of Bofur and Natasha, but Natasha stayed beside Kili, one if his arms around her shoulders. She really wanted to stay with his arm there, then she knew that he was okay and not slipping away. They ran the best they could, pushing people out the way, rushing to the bowman's house. Each step seemed like pain. There were the rare agonizing mumbles coming from Kili that became ever more frequent and each time Natasha's heart felt like it was going to crumble as it began to beat faster and faster. She thought that she could feel tears pooling in her pale blue eyes and when she shook them aside she only ended up hurting her neck, a pain going down her spine. She paid no attention to it, and kept on going.

On and on the running went, and the two minute run felt like hours and hours of pain and panic. It continued until at last, the group reached the familiar door of Bard's house. Bofur knocked on it hurriedly. It swung open to reveal Bard.

"No." He snapped, "I've had enough of dwarves." He went to close the door, but Bofur stopped him.

"Kili's sick." He stated with worry, moving to the side to reveal a sickly Kili. "Really sick."

Bard sighed and quickly bade them in. Kili slowly began to grow louder in his screams of pain as Natasha and Fili placed him gently on the bed downstairs. He was so pale. Natasha could feel tears burn her cheeks as she held him down with Oin, who had magically appeared out of no where, whether she didn't notice him from her panicking or if he was told to stay there earlier.

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