Thorin #3

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The Last Goodbye

Lúthien was heartbroken. She was more than upset. She felt like she was alone again, not knowing where the road would take her. Lúthien no longer knew what to do. 

She was kneeling beside Thorin, as she had been since he drew his last breath,  Her  eyes still stung from her tears and her cheeks were still stained with the wounds of sorrow. Everytime Lúthien took a breath, her chest - her heart - would unleash pain, a consent pain, that reminded her of the hole she now had. 

For hours the ranger had been by Thorin's side mourning. Only mourning. Crying. Sobbing, screaming, begging for her life to be at an end. Wondering why she wasn't the one who was killed, why Thorin forgave her even though she couldn't forgive until it was too late. 

Now she was silent as she stroked Thorin's hair and made it neater. She watched with weary, sad, sorry eyes like she was expecting Thorin to wake at any moment and to smile at her like he had done in the past. But all she could see, was the sun fading, being replaced by shadow. Lúthien had been there for far longer than she had previously imagined.She looked up, and saw the sun gradually getting covered by dark clouds. The wind picked up. It was subtle, but the noise it created lasted in her ears. Like a sigh of longing and then, Lúthien felt something cold hit her cheek, then her hand. She could see white specks in the sky and looked at the dead around her. Snowflakes were beginning to cover the dead - orcs and fallen brothers - like they were just part of the scenery. Promptly, she took of her cloak (now with darker red stains from blood) and draped it over the fallen King.


The Ranger turned her head slightly. She saw Bilbo, looking down at her. He was alone. "Yes, Bilbo?"

The hobbit shuffled his feet before walking up to her and putting a hand on her shoulder, "I ... I know how enraged - infuriated - you are at the world. I know how upset you are." He sighed, "And I just wanted to let you know that you can return to Bag End whenever you want. You can even come to the birthday parties on the twenty second of September."

Lúthien smiled slightly, "That is very kind of you, my friend."

"Is that a 'yes'?" Bilbo asked.

She nodded, "Of course it is. After all, a friend is someone who can cheer up no matter what. Even if it is an invitation for an unlimited amount of visits for years to come."

Minutes later, the other dwarves had arrived accompanied by the bodies of Kili and Fili.

"I agree. But it is time to return the King to his mountain." 

Lúthien nodded. She took a deep breath and helped Dwarlin carry Thorin whilst the other dwarves aided each other with Kili and Fili.

It was hard. And not due to carrying a dwarf. But her favourite dwarves were dead.

She had decided that now was the time. If she was to ever leave, it would have to be once the day was over. As it was night was already upon them. The day's end not far behind. She could hear the road calling for her by name, and she knew she needed to leave. 

The journey she needed to take would take her through Rohan to visit her mother, back through Mirkwood and past seas and rivers. She would rest at night, scared to close her eyes under the starlight, tred through snow on a winter' morning until she saw the paths that led her home. But which way each one took, she did not know. But the day where she had to undertake that journey, was coming closer by the second. And so was the moment she had to leave her friends behind.

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