Legolas #2

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"I'm fine." Harthriel had told Gimli before the battle.. In truth, she wasn't. She was ...heartbroken? No. She was more than heartbroken. Her eyes had mixed emotions. She showed mixed emotion. She was indignant and apprehensive. She was ashamed. Mortified even. She was still suffering from Boromir's death. Harthriel may not have trusted him in the slightest, but he was a good man. A beleg ohtar.  But, at the battle's end, there was just more than her actions and the passing of a friend that filled her with anguish. 

When she had stood, all she could feel was the burning sensation in her side. Just the intense, torturing pain that shot up her body. Each time she took a step, the pain intensified. And she hated showing pain. She now hated Helm's Deep.  

Legolas held Harthriel close to him against her will. He hated how they had left her to fight alone with other man and elves. At the time it was a good idea, there were less orcs in the city then there were outside; neither him, Aragorn or Gimli wanted her badly injured. It appeared that she was anyway. Their idea wasn't a good one after all. Although, Harthriel did urge them to do it.

"Legolas, I can walk." Harthriel continued her insisting and begging. She had been at it for the past minute or so. "Let me go." And each time she went to hit his arm, she winced in pain.

"In the current condition you are in, it is unadvised for you to walk without aid." Legolas said sincerley, holding the fellow Sindar elhen close to him. He spoke truthfully of course. Already he could feel Harthriel's warm blood on the palm of his hand. He could also feel the limping in her walk as well as half her weight. "The more you struggle, the worse your injuries will be."

To his surprise, his stubborn friend sighed in defeat and nodded. Somehow, he always knew that Harthriel would come around eventually. Okay, so it may have been after he began to hold her close against his his chest. But she gave in to his advice regardless.

No noise came out from either of their lips for a long while. The sound of armour clanging and the groans of injured soldiers being the only noise they could hear. Hearlers were trying to clean wounds for them, and they would cry from the agonizing stings. Legolas had suffered from injuries in his past, nothing more than scrapes, and he knew how the process to clean them stung.

"Can you slow down?" Harthriel asked abruptly, her pace dropping considerably, "I think I'm going to - " Her sentence ended sharply with a silent scream as she fell, dragging Legolas along with her. "Fall." She finished.

Legolas stood as quickly as he could and rolled Harthriel onto her back. Quickly, he examined the wound she had received. It was worse than he had thought. Rips littered her clothes, more blood oozing from them, and her original injury was deeper than Legolas had imagined. Blood began to pool under and her breaths were becoming more laboured. Without hesitation, Legolas picked her up bridal style, hooking his arms under her knees and her back. He held her tightly as she buried her head in his neck. Legolas began to run gently and swiftly to the keep. That was wear the other healers were. There was no time to lose.

On the way, he passed Aragorn and Gimli. Both of them began to follow the Prince of Mirkwood.

"What happened, Legolas?" Aragorn asked, opening the keep's wooden doors for him. 

For once, Legolas held no answer and did not reply. Hi head shot from side to side in search for the healers and their rooms. He took a quick glance at Harthriel. Her head was leaning back on his arm, limp, and her hands were hanging off his shoulders, swinging lethargically. Sweat beads formed on her ivory forehead and her lips were moving slowly, mumbling constantly the same words: 'ávatyara mellamin' and 'amin hiraetha'. Continuously she said 'forgive us' and 'I am sorry'. Time was of the essence.

Eventually, Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli together found the healer and their worry had gone over board. The healer had severely stated that they were to stay away from Harthriel so she could work, but nothing she said would make them move. Legolas stayed along  with Aragorn and Gimli.

"Legolas." She would mumble lethargically, reaching out to him.

Legolas took her hand in his, holding it tightly. "I am here mellon nín. Do not worry."

To his surprise, Harthriel's state of panic and feverish symptoms died down and her eyes opened slightly. Her breaths were still slightly laboured but they were quickly recovering.

"Amin mela lle, Legolas." She said quietly.

Legolas smiled slightly. " Inyë mela lle, Harthriel." He put a hand on her cheek and caressed with the back of his fingers.  He laid a gentle kiss on her soft lips and she replied almost instantly as if she could see it coming a mile away. 

When he broke away, he saw a smile grace her lips. She looked at peace even though the wounds she had sustained could have been enough to kill a lesser being. She went to speak but Legolas shushed her, ghosting his thumb over her lips.

"Lle auta est, Mela."

Harthirel grumbled, though she still held her smile. "Fine." She yawned, closing her eyes slighty. 

Legolas took a chair, placing it next to her bed, and sat down. "'Quel dú, mela amin. Quel esta." He placed a soft kiss on her forehead and watched as she drifted off to sleep.


Elvish Phrases:

  ávatyara mellamin - forgive us

amin hiraetha - i am sorry

mellon nín - my friend

amin mela lle - i love you

Inyë mela lle - I, too, love you

lle auta est - you need rest

'quel dú - good night

quel esta - rest well

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