Thorin #2

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A Gaze, Thoughts and Showing

Thorin gazed at Lúthien. In the setting sun, she looked stunning. He long golden locks fell onto her breasts and shone in the last of the sun. She stood proud and tall in the setting sun; she looked like she could take on an entire army and kill more than a quater before she fell. She had and elven longsword in a sheath at her hip, throwing daggers on her right and a bow slung over her shoulder.  Underneath her short, dark green traveling cloak, she wore leather armour. Not only did it keep her protected, but it also showed off the outline of her breasts more than she had wanted.

He moved his gaze to her face as she stole a glance at him. Thorin loved her crimson lips, the way they moved into a smirk or a smile. They moved elegantly when she spoke, allowing her sweet, silky voice to escape them. Lúthien's laughter would echo in his ears, sending jolts of warmth to his chest. He longed to feel her lips on his own lips, longed to have them press against his flesh. 

Her eyes were pale blue, but they shone brightly like topazes in the golden sun. In some lights they were bright enough to put a shame the lightning bolts, and in others they were like sapphire's; dark and mysterious. He feared that if he stared into her eyes for too long, he would become lost in them and forget who he was. Other times he would just want to get lost in them, to forget himself and to get weight and pressure off his back. He had seen her cry once before, and he couldn't t bear it. She came up to him as no one else was even listening to her, and he allowed her to cry on his shoulder and too tell him why she was crying. And he understood.

Thorin wondered how her pale skin felt to the touch time and time again. He imagined her skin to be soft to accompany her long, slender, delicate fingers. He longed to have her fingers trace his jaw line and work their way down his chest. He imagined what it would be like to have those fingers run through his hair and do unmentionable things to him.

Whenever he was near her, he could smell her. The scent of roses and lavender eminated from her, filling his nose. For the dwarven prince, rightful king of Erabor, Lúthien was the girl he wanted; the girl he needed to be with for the rest of his days. He had to tell her how he felt, or even show it to her.

Each time Lúthien spoke to any other male, he would feel a pang of jealousy erupt in his chest. He would watch her from the distance and if anyone tried to make a move, he would be there in blink of an eye, eyes blazing like fire, ready to do anything to to stop them from doing it again. He would watch from the shadows, keeping all in check. He had not seen any bad moves appear or any signs of love appearing, but if the latterr were to happen, he would still watch even if it was only to keep him happy knowing that she was safe.

Thorin sighed, and decided that now was the time to tell the Ranger how he felt. He peeled away from the pillar he was leaning against and he walked over to the Ranager stood alone. She was looking at the view as the sun began to set over Rivendell.

"You shouldn't be out here. It's getting late." He said walking to stand beside the Ranger.

Lúthien laughed, "I can look after myself, Thorin Oakenshield." She said, smirking. "I love to watch the view. It's beautiful at sunset."

Thorin looked at the Ranger, "Not as beautiful as you." He said with a half-smile. She blushed as he looked at him, much to Thorin's amusment. "As no one ever called you beautiful before?"

Lúthien shook her head, "No. At least, not like that."

Thorin tucked some of her soft, silky hair behind her ear, his fingers ghosting over the tip. "Then they do not know what beauty is." 

Lúthien smiled and looked at him in the eye, "How many girls have you been involved with romantically?"

"None." Thorin replied bluntly.

Lúthien nodded, looking back a the sunset, "That is hard to believe for you would not be so charming in your flirting if what you speak is true." She said through a smile, "I also find it hard to believe that you could stay single all this time when your looks, if I may so myself, are better than the looks of anyone I have met before you."

Thorin smirked, "I had not met the right person back then."

"And now?"

"I have, but whether she feels the same way is why I am here." Thorin said, looking at Lúthien as she looked back at him. He looked into her eyes, his gaze traveling to her lips every so often. He tried to resist, but resist he could not. He cupped her cheeks and pressed his lips against hers roughly, only softening when she replied, wrapping her arms around his neck, bringing her closer; the two bodies now pressing against each other. 

Thorin broke the kiss unwillingly, but the need for air was great, "You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that." He said, smirking. Their lips met once more, the sunset casting their shadows on the wall behind them.

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