chapter 1 the unthinkable (revised)

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Ariana's POV

so allison, lydia,camille and  i were lounging by the pool i was wearing my neon purple bikini trying to get a tan like i need it lol :p but anways we saw 4guys which one  i reconize right off the bat kendall schmidt we were in highschool together for 1year and half and i fell hard for him i can't let him see i'm looking so i look away and  sip my smoothie 

"hey ari isn't that the guy you went to highschool with?"  allison asks 

i nod bitting my lip not wanting her to do anything but guess what? she does anyways 

"okay brb" she says 

"no allison!" i say running after her 

"hey ladies" carlos and james say

"hi james and carlos" i say waving

they look confused"how do you know our names?" james asks 

"because i knew kendall i went to school with ya'll last year and part of this one silly" i say 

"oh hey ari" kendall says 

i blush "hi i look terrible" i say nervously smiling

"nah you look great" kendall says 

"umm what he's trying to say is you look hot" james says 

kendall gives him the death glare and james shrugs "so you're stuck with us because we just moved here to be famous" james says with an arm around me

i chuckle "well you guys are chill why don't ya'll put you're things away and hang with us" i say winking at kendall 

"i'm in" kendall says running to the elevator

"same here" carlos says 

"hell yeah!" logan says 

"james?" i ask

"huh? oh yeah we will be right back" he says 

i shake my head" they are so crazy" i say 

"who was the guy who had is arm around you?" allison asks 

i chuckle "james maslow's crazy ass" i say shaking my head "i can't believe they moved here it's crazy i'm still in shock i so wasn't expecting it " i think to myself 

~5mins later~

"hey guys" we say waving 

"hi ladies" they say 

"I CALL DIBS ON ALLISON" james yells 

"how did you know her name?" i ask looking at him funny 

"i heard ya'll talking duh" he says

"hi loggie " camille says hugging him he hugs back "hi cami" he says kissing her head 

"hello lydia" carlos says sitting next to her in the chair 

"hi" she says 

"kendall wanna sit next to me?" i ask pulling off my cutest smile

he smiles widely "yes i'd love to" he says sitting next to me 

i smile taking in his sent ugh he smells yummy focus ari he will never fall for you he probably has a gf back home or here already i mean look at him ?? who wouldn't wanna be with him he can have any girl in the world why would he choose you? a voice in my head asks i just nod to myself and say ikr. my thoughts are broken by lydia calling my name 

"ari?" she ask

i shake my thought "huh?" i ask

"i wanted to know what kind of shake you want because i'm buying" she says 

"umm pink " i say 

"okay flavor?" she asks 

"cherry please and thanks girly" i say smiling

she smiles "no problem i'm taking carlos with me so we can get to know each other better" she says as they leave 

i sigh and kendall asks what's wrong

"hey ari you alright?" he asks 

i shrug my shoulders and shiver because i'm cold 

"you cold? it is almost night time in the middle of fall so here wear my jacket" he says 

i put my tank top on and throw on his hoodie it's a zip up i zip it up and it says"ariana grande" i look at him funny 

he chuckles nervously "sorry i like it and you" he says 

I smile "aww that's so sweet" i say smiling at him

he smiles back and i think to myself he probably just likes me as a fan to an idol nothing more i sigh and hold his jacket closer to me 

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