🌱|Summer Girl No.2

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We were able to spend sometime alone for about two hours before everyone arrived at the location. I learned from Hoseok that they used to hang out here whenever he comes to visit. I quickly topped my bikini with a lace dress which Hoseok quickly agreed on.

Everyone warmly greeted us and he happily introduced me to his friends.

Mostly guys along with Lucio and an amiable girl named Mira. Then from afar, a voice suddenly echoed which made us all look at the other side of the beach where the huge canopy was settled.

"Ciao Hobi! Mi manchi!"

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"Ciao Hobi! Mi manchi!"

[Hi Hobi! I miss you!]

She dashed towards our direction and boldly embraced Hoseok, gave him a long kiss on his cheek.

"Sempre bello come sempre!"

[Always beautiful as always!]

I adjusted my aviator and grimaced while Hoseok was completely taken aback.

"G-gigi! che bello rivederti...ah, this is-"

The girl faced me and also gave me a kiss on the cheek not letting Hoseok finish his words.

"Ahh Hobi, you still call me Gigi?! I am no longer that girl..."

She delivered in English, still with her strong Italian accent. She's...hot. I remember what this jerk told me;

"No, no... she's chubby, blonde too and really cute. You'll see... You'll feel the same way about her too."

-Caught in a LIE (Hoseok version)


Cute? No she's HOT.

I will like her? How b*tch? Hooow?

Hoseok snaked his arm around my waist and she instantly caught it.

She placed both of her hands on her slender, toned one and chinned up.

"I am no longer Gigi. Call me GRACE. Since that is my real name of course."

I pulled my shades down and crossed my arms.

"SAY WHAT?..."

Hobi POV

[Internally crying in fear]

[Internally crying in fear]

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SUMMERGIRL ||JungHoseok|| BangtanBoysWhere stories live. Discover now