Chapter One: Reminiscence

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Flashbacks: Italics
Present day: Normal text
Please refrain from skipping flashback as there are a lot of them coming up and are extremely detrimental.

The brilliant rays of the sun had warmed the sands on which Imperium had set their camp for war. The dusty sands of Reginae had been merciless in blowing throughout the dreary night causing the tents to be stuck with granules of the same mud.

It had been an elaborate four months which had given way to this day. It was the first time since his long stay in the Emperor's court, winning war after war, almost subduing half of the country of Cynthia, he had seen this amount of passion and determination in the Emperor's eyes for another person, nevermind just a Beta Queen and that tortured Louis and the Omega in him which was repeatedly doted upon by the Alpha, unaware of his gender.

In the six years which had passed by, Louis had been firm in his position in the man's life and was aware of every tiny happening in it but this unusual and animalistic obsession which had possessed Harry to be a degree of persistent he couldn't explain to stay on the pursuit of this woman.

He knew she was beautiful. He was aware that her allure was supposedly praised by angels in accordance to what his King had described but he did not see what the brunet saw. If Harry wouldn't get this woman, he'd break, his pride would shatter, his arrogance would be torn into half and Louis wouldn't, couldn't and did not want to bear witness to that. he couldn't see the man who was almighty and was the definitive format of perfect to him, to crumble. But by the time Louis realized the amount of poison which the astrologer, Jacques had stirred in his Alpha's mind, it had been too late.

Discarding his wistful thoughts, Louis stepped into the Emperor's camp to rouse him from the little sleep he received.

Methodically waking him up and assisting him for his bath, finally dressing him up in the uniform which would, today, be smeared with the deep red of countless soldiers' blood. Aiding the emerald eyed man, he mused, informing him of the affairs and gossips which were prevalent in the camp and back at the Capitol.

"We face an enemy today," Louis began, helping him with a few adjustments,"but you are aware of the advances of Cedric River towards the throne, right?" He verified, imploring his Omega instincts which begged him to wail at the attention and affection the Queen held.

"His greed is steadily increasing and is weaving elucidating dreams to become the Alpha Emper-" a slap immediately reprimanded his sentence before it was even formed, leaving the aquamarine eyed man filled with tears adding onto his disheveled state.

"Every star wishes to be the moon, Louis," he said stoically, "but it can't."

"Yes," Louis croaked and subsequently added, "obviously."

He retracted his gaze to the floor for the purpose of concealing his tears and began to braid the Alpha's excessively long locks into domestication. Continuing to glide his tiny fingers through his brown curls, he felt his tears shedding incessantly with strangled gasps which he kept at a minimal volume to keep the man unperceptive to his situation which was difficult due to the heightened hearing Alphas in general possessed but was seemingly possible due to Harry's wavered attention.

"Louis." Harry muttered, evidently ignorant of the man's state,"I want to know your opinion upon this war."

This drew Louis' attention even in his pathetic state of pity.

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