Chapter Fourteen : Redintegration

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Warning : Non consensual occurrences. Rape. If any of you are sensitive, please skip the italics.

It had been three moon cycles since Louis had woken up and a few more hours until his heat began. The two months which passed had gone away quietly with occasional grumbling from the omega that he wasn't a porcelain doll who needed to be taken care of every remaining second of his life. Everyone was worried about him. Even Nicholas Grimshaw! Who volunteered to take him for a hunt alongside other Alphas and a few betas, given their history. When Louis complained about it, accusing the Emperor of his secret employment of his caretakers, the Alpha casually waved it off telling it was willingly offered by his most trusted men to which the omega rolled his eyes. He still accompanied him to court, had an active part in the decisions the Emperor took and additionally wielded a lot of power which was a cause of irate to a list of people inclusive of Jacques' name on top of the list.

Eventually Louis did do something which garnered everyone's attention, he killed Cedric. Purely on instigation, of course. The attacks on the Emperor resumed, a few days after his Omega had woken up, multiple assassins turned up, either injuring his Alpha or his comrades which pent up enough frustration to discard all the secrecy when Cedric himself was stupid enough to attempt something utterly stupid on his part. He had attempted to assault the Omega when he was sleeping in on an afternoon where his Alpha had chosen to go out for a hunt after assuring his Omega's safety but returned to find him completely distressed with a rather unconscious relative knocked out, cold on the floor.

Presently, he was fulfilling his duties of relieving his stress after his Alpha had completed his responsibilities of the court and they were getting dressed to join Zayn's fifth moon cycle celebration. As he went about gathering the robes from the wardrobe, a dripping wet arm encircled his waist placing kisses over his shoulders.

"You're so pretty." He complimented.

Louis hummed in delight and turned to face the alpha, kissing his cheek, You have duties," he authorised curtly and put on a shirt, walking to the bed to place the Emperor's clothes.

"Of course, I do," He agreed too quickly for Louis' suspicion which was cleared when the omega was lifted off the ground into his arms. Tossing him on the bed and climbed on top of him, caging the omega, "but I am not an Emperor for nothing, I'm sure I can delay a few things." He said and hardly could Louis let out a protest when he sunk his canines into his neck, drawing a fresh and very visible mark. A mewl escaped the younger one's lips in satisfaction of the act and that was how the evening was delayed once again due to their entangled bodies which were making love tirelessly with extreme fervour to one another, as moans resonated through the walls who stealthily witnessed the ceaselessly devoted mating.

When their copulation had finally been veiled, Louis looked at the Emperor with scepticism and a pair of folded arms, initiating only a laugh from the alpha.

"I indulge you too much." He sighed and helped the alpha in dressing him up.

"Do you?" He asked kissing Louis' jaw again.

"Yes," he stumbled and pulled the velvet coat from the discarded floor. "You do remember that Vistara as a province and Raynelle as a city remains unconquered."

"I feel absolute domination over Cynthia remains your dream more than mine." He commented idly with a laugh while fidgeting with Louis' lovely fingers, kissing them and drawing him before his person.

"Now, Louis, I needed to ask something of you," he said attaching his lips to the back of his hand.

"Of course, Your Highness." He immediately responded with his attention pooling onto his mate.

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